First off, I had a longer version of this, but the fucking computer ate it. So this will be the Cliff Notes.
Sorry I haven't been on here as I want to. It's just I'm been busy doing the whole "getting my life sorted out" thing. It's a thing we all do, to the day we die. And it's not like I hate my current situation. It's just stagnate. It just sits there, not doing shit, occupying the matter and molecules that could be used toward more deserving folks. All the while, there's this, guttural, wild-eyed, creature pacing between my brain and my stomach. That thing is myself--an ideal self. Like Tyler Druden minus the penchant of blowing up buildings and organizing a quasi-black bloc group.
There are, however, some factors standing in the way. I mean, these can be solved but it's gonna take some work.
1. my roomie. Specifically, the people he has coming over here. I already mentioned how he got his girl to move in after there supposed breakup a week before. Thing is, my roomie is shooting up heroin and been having this one dude stop by that shoots up too. One night, I walked in the bathroom to see a fucking needle and cap a smack right on the sink. The dude ran over, took the needle and the cap, said, "Sorry" and left. I swear, if I had a gun, I would fire it into the ceiling and kick everybody the fuck out. But, alas, no firearms. So it's looking up apartment posts on Craigslist.
2. the Landlord. He's a scumbag. Doesn't fix a damn thing and had the nerve to hit me up for money to pay his phone bill. I mean, dude, you're a fucking landlord. Why are you begging your goddamn tenants for money? Are you that irresponsible?
3. The Job. It's going on well, but there's a potential hiccup: I haven't heard back from CTA about the train operator gig. However, I checked the CTA website and my resume is still active, which is good. So if I get the gig, how would that affect my chances of getting an apartment? I doubt any landlord would rent out their place to someone that just got a job. And you just read what the fuck I have to deal with at my current spot.
Like I said, these things can be overcome. It's like the scene in "Brazil" where dude is flying and all these towers are shooting up from the ground. I can see them, I just have to be careful.
But there are some positives:
1. I got a new phone. It's a Samsung Whatever. It's got all those new fangle apps and shit that you kids like these days. Yep, I officially joined the 21st century!! Yay technology!!
2. Had a good 4th of July. I did two things: Jack and Shit. I went downtown, got me a hotdog then came back to the crib to see some neighbors setting off fireworks in the streets.
3. Went to this killer punk show that same week. My boys were playing and this one band from North Dakota, Fuck Detector, played too. I was in the pit of a bit, then got really fucking drunk and hungout with my friends who lived block from the show. There was this one chick that really got under my skin though. She was with her jailbait friend who had the cutest lil mowhawk. I mean it was Oh so precious OMFG!!!!! They were at our spot looking for the show. Nothing happen, we just told them where it was and they went. I saw them at the show, but didn't say much to them other than a few pleasantries. We took them back to our spot to drink and hang out. And then, it happened. She was drunk and when a drunk person says something(myself included), it's 99.999999999999% bullshit. Anyway, she starts going on about punk bands can't play their instruments BUT she would go to a show AND buy their merch BUT she won't "listen to them on my ipod". I didn't want to be a part of the conversation, but one of my boys, with his drunk ass, dragged me into it. So she goes on about the bands don't really play music and that she worked her ass off as a singer to learn the techniques and blah blah blah. I was drunk so I was going in and out. I don't remember what I said exactly, but the gist of it is:
Just because you know the notes, doesn't mean you have to play them. A musician can do perfectly well with just a few chords. And by "well" I don't mean making millions and having your song be on the Top 10. I mean you can make a decent living off your music. I can play a augmented chord, or incorporated a ii-v-i turnaround at the end of a twelve bar blues progression, but for the music I play, it's not a necessity. Also, I'm reminded of George Carlin when describing the Blues as "Not just knowing the notes. But knowing why those notes have to by played".
These where taking the other night. My friends were spinning punk and metal and it was beautiful.
They are required by law to throw the horns whenever someone takes a picture of them
Oh and one more thing:
My boy Chuck copping a feel to the lovely Miss Molly.
And something I took today.
I know they suck, but I'm just started. It'll get better. Promise
Anyway, I'm off to bed. Gotta work in the morning. Bleh. Wish me luck.
Sorry I haven't been on here as I want to. It's just I'm been busy doing the whole "getting my life sorted out" thing. It's a thing we all do, to the day we die. And it's not like I hate my current situation. It's just stagnate. It just sits there, not doing shit, occupying the matter and molecules that could be used toward more deserving folks. All the while, there's this, guttural, wild-eyed, creature pacing between my brain and my stomach. That thing is myself--an ideal self. Like Tyler Druden minus the penchant of blowing up buildings and organizing a quasi-black bloc group.
There are, however, some factors standing in the way. I mean, these can be solved but it's gonna take some work.
1. my roomie. Specifically, the people he has coming over here. I already mentioned how he got his girl to move in after there supposed breakup a week before. Thing is, my roomie is shooting up heroin and been having this one dude stop by that shoots up too. One night, I walked in the bathroom to see a fucking needle and cap a smack right on the sink. The dude ran over, took the needle and the cap, said, "Sorry" and left. I swear, if I had a gun, I would fire it into the ceiling and kick everybody the fuck out. But, alas, no firearms. So it's looking up apartment posts on Craigslist.
2. the Landlord. He's a scumbag. Doesn't fix a damn thing and had the nerve to hit me up for money to pay his phone bill. I mean, dude, you're a fucking landlord. Why are you begging your goddamn tenants for money? Are you that irresponsible?
3. The Job. It's going on well, but there's a potential hiccup: I haven't heard back from CTA about the train operator gig. However, I checked the CTA website and my resume is still active, which is good. So if I get the gig, how would that affect my chances of getting an apartment? I doubt any landlord would rent out their place to someone that just got a job. And you just read what the fuck I have to deal with at my current spot.
Like I said, these things can be overcome. It's like the scene in "Brazil" where dude is flying and all these towers are shooting up from the ground. I can see them, I just have to be careful.
But there are some positives:
1. I got a new phone. It's a Samsung Whatever. It's got all those new fangle apps and shit that you kids like these days. Yep, I officially joined the 21st century!! Yay technology!!
2. Had a good 4th of July. I did two things: Jack and Shit. I went downtown, got me a hotdog then came back to the crib to see some neighbors setting off fireworks in the streets.
3. Went to this killer punk show that same week. My boys were playing and this one band from North Dakota, Fuck Detector, played too. I was in the pit of a bit, then got really fucking drunk and hungout with my friends who lived block from the show. There was this one chick that really got under my skin though. She was with her jailbait friend who had the cutest lil mowhawk. I mean it was Oh so precious OMFG!!!!! They were at our spot looking for the show. Nothing happen, we just told them where it was and they went. I saw them at the show, but didn't say much to them other than a few pleasantries. We took them back to our spot to drink and hang out. And then, it happened. She was drunk and when a drunk person says something(myself included), it's 99.999999999999% bullshit. Anyway, she starts going on about punk bands can't play their instruments BUT she would go to a show AND buy their merch BUT she won't "listen to them on my ipod". I didn't want to be a part of the conversation, but one of my boys, with his drunk ass, dragged me into it. So she goes on about the bands don't really play music and that she worked her ass off as a singer to learn the techniques and blah blah blah. I was drunk so I was going in and out. I don't remember what I said exactly, but the gist of it is:
Just because you know the notes, doesn't mean you have to play them. A musician can do perfectly well with just a few chords. And by "well" I don't mean making millions and having your song be on the Top 10. I mean you can make a decent living off your music. I can play a augmented chord, or incorporated a ii-v-i turnaround at the end of a twelve bar blues progression, but for the music I play, it's not a necessity. Also, I'm reminded of George Carlin when describing the Blues as "Not just knowing the notes. But knowing why those notes have to by played".
These where taking the other night. My friends were spinning punk and metal and it was beautiful.
They are required by law to throw the horns whenever someone takes a picture of them
Oh and one more thing:

My boy Chuck copping a feel to the lovely Miss Molly.

And something I took today.

I know they suck, but I'm just started. It'll get better. Promise

Anyway, I'm off to bed. Gotta work in the morning. Bleh. Wish me luck.