Ok. This is gonna be a short ditty considering I'm not in the best of moods but here's a rundown:
- Roommate 1 just came back after, what?, four, five weeks after he bailed on us after loosing his job. To be fair, he was FINALLY able to pay the rent for the month but, dude, he just bailed and didn't even bother to call anybody. Everybody tried to call his ass but he never picked up. But he's back, the rent's paid but I still have deal with...
- Roommate 2. Fights with the girlfriend that is really pissing me off to no end. They're always bickering about dumb ass, like how to prepare chicken . Shit like that. Roomie's my boy, but this is getting nuts.
- Job moved to a place downtown. Bleh. Same old bullshit. Still trying to make it through the day without going off on somebody. Man, I just wanna just go to fucking work, do my fucking job, clock the fuck out, and go the fuck on home. Simple. And I can't even do that. Like this dude at work asked for money...AGAIN!!!! AND--here's the kicker---HE MAKES MORE MONEY THAN ME!!!! How the fuck can you make more than me and still be broke? Fuck you, dude. You're nothing but a parasitic fuckwad who needs to handle his money right.
- Took and exam for train operator. Passed it. Easy peesy. Now I gotta pass the interview. Thing is, I was a train operator with the company before. Did it for 2 and half years. No violations but I had a problem with absenteeism. I didn't miss days or anything, it was just I had a hard time being punctual, which is pretty serious in the field of public transportation. The interview's on Friday. I need a prayer.
*sigh*It seems like everyday, people are trying to test me. And I just want to be left alone.
*lobs a prayer* good luck on the interview!
Thank you for the birthday love! Sending lots of love back to you!