Did I just got for more than a motherfucking week without doing a motherfucking journal on this motherfucking website? How motherfucking unbelieveable!!!!
(I had to use my 5 "motherfucking"s for the day)
Well, this needs to be remedied immediately!!!!
To the "New Journal" section!!
As stated above, I was in an apartment with three types of pussy for a five days. Some friends of mine had to go to Maryland due to a family emergency and I agreed to look after the apartment while they were away.
So, yeah, me and three pussies. Really hairy pussies. Pussy everywhere.
One of them had the tendency to sit on my chest and just stare at me like "Hey! How you doing? You doing good? You're sooooooooooo cute!!" And I'm like, "Um I'm trying to play "Arkham City" and it's very hard to fight off that one-armed sledgehammer dude with you gazing into my baby brown oculars."
They also have a dog: a four year-old Doberman. Who's just as lazy as he wants to be. This dog just sleeps on the couch and licks himself. I don't mind that, at all. He's a big fucker so he can sleep all he wants. It was a bitch to walk him. Not because I had to pick up after him, that wasn't it. But he'll shoot off somewhere, whether it'll be a curb, or a crack on the sidewalk, or a garbage can and just sniff, sniff, sniff. Like he's trying to find to Ultimate Scent of something. But, all in all, good times. I even cleaned up a bit, even though they said they didn't mind if it's a little dirty. See, such an awesome person!!!
Didn't go out that much cuz the car wouldn't start. Luckily it was due to a dead battery, so I had it charged up at the shop and now it's BETTER THAN EVAR!!! Ok, maybe not that but slightly less shitty.
And I won another gift card at work today. From Potbelly. I used it the same day. I had a Wreck and a can of pop. My tummy was pleased.
Been listening to a lot of blues lately. Being from Chicago, I hear blues everywhere. Mostly from suburban 40 year-olds who get drunk and start spitting into their harmonicas that they rarely use. I'm more old school, though: Muddy Waters, Buddy Guy, Bo Diddley. When I listen to these cats, I go into this mood of pure euphoria. My head clears, my creativity explodes and my problems are forgotten. If I had a girlfriend, I'll grab her by the waist and swing her around. It's THAT kind of music.
Anyway, I was on YouTube and found a couple of tracks I liked.
Stevie Ray and Vaughan and Albert King jamming out to "Bad Under a Bad Sign". I actually watched the show they're in a while back. It was nothing but the two of them jamming out from one song to another for an hour and a half. It was fucking bananas!
This is from RL Burnside. Ever see "Black Snake Moan" (btw, the title is from a blues standard of the same name)? Remember the back-up band Sam Jackson was playing with? That was RL's backing band: his grandson Cedric Burnside on drums and his guitarist Kenny Brown...
This here's Muddy Water's "Tom Cat" from his "Electric Mud" album, his attempt to crossover to the younger cats of the time (the late '60s). Mud supposedly hated it, but I think it has a nice funky feel to that didn't get in the way of the bluesy qualities he was laying down.
Anyway, I'm done. I know I haven't been on here on the webz that much. But I've been lurky lurking and checking everybody out, dropping comments here and there.
Ya take it EZ
(I had to use my 5 "motherfucking"s for the day)
Well, this needs to be remedied immediately!!!!
To the "New Journal" section!!
As stated above, I was in an apartment with three types of pussy for a five days. Some friends of mine had to go to Maryland due to a family emergency and I agreed to look after the apartment while they were away.
So, yeah, me and three pussies. Really hairy pussies. Pussy everywhere.
One of them had the tendency to sit on my chest and just stare at me like "Hey! How you doing? You doing good? You're sooooooooooo cute!!" And I'm like, "Um I'm trying to play "Arkham City" and it's very hard to fight off that one-armed sledgehammer dude with you gazing into my baby brown oculars."
They also have a dog: a four year-old Doberman. Who's just as lazy as he wants to be. This dog just sleeps on the couch and licks himself. I don't mind that, at all. He's a big fucker so he can sleep all he wants. It was a bitch to walk him. Not because I had to pick up after him, that wasn't it. But he'll shoot off somewhere, whether it'll be a curb, or a crack on the sidewalk, or a garbage can and just sniff, sniff, sniff. Like he's trying to find to Ultimate Scent of something. But, all in all, good times. I even cleaned up a bit, even though they said they didn't mind if it's a little dirty. See, such an awesome person!!!
Didn't go out that much cuz the car wouldn't start. Luckily it was due to a dead battery, so I had it charged up at the shop and now it's BETTER THAN EVAR!!! Ok, maybe not that but slightly less shitty.
And I won another gift card at work today. From Potbelly. I used it the same day. I had a Wreck and a can of pop. My tummy was pleased.
Been listening to a lot of blues lately. Being from Chicago, I hear blues everywhere. Mostly from suburban 40 year-olds who get drunk and start spitting into their harmonicas that they rarely use. I'm more old school, though: Muddy Waters, Buddy Guy, Bo Diddley. When I listen to these cats, I go into this mood of pure euphoria. My head clears, my creativity explodes and my problems are forgotten. If I had a girlfriend, I'll grab her by the waist and swing her around. It's THAT kind of music.
Anyway, I was on YouTube and found a couple of tracks I liked.
Stevie Ray and Vaughan and Albert King jamming out to "Bad Under a Bad Sign". I actually watched the show they're in a while back. It was nothing but the two of them jamming out from one song to another for an hour and a half. It was fucking bananas!
This is from RL Burnside. Ever see "Black Snake Moan" (btw, the title is from a blues standard of the same name)? Remember the back-up band Sam Jackson was playing with? That was RL's backing band: his grandson Cedric Burnside on drums and his guitarist Kenny Brown...
This here's Muddy Water's "Tom Cat" from his "Electric Mud" album, his attempt to crossover to the younger cats of the time (the late '60s). Mud supposedly hated it, but I think it has a nice funky feel to that didn't get in the way of the bluesy qualities he was laying down.
Anyway, I'm done. I know I haven't been on here on the webz that much. But I've been lurky lurking and checking everybody out, dropping comments here and there.
Ya take it EZ

born under a bad sign