Ok, time for an actual blog thingamaging.
Not a whole has develop in my world. I'm actually going to be doing some articles for this new upstart website Wiz duh M. The site is mostly informative but funny articles about anything from cars to music to sports, etc. Like it JUST got up and running. Like--not even two weeks ago. Still I'm looking forward to contributing.
Job situation: pretty decent. The higher-ups are happy with my black ass cuz I've been almost consistently their top 10 producer in the company. Couple of times I was number 2 and half the time I'm in the top 5.
But here's my thing: One day the company made $33,000, their highest ever. And here's me, getting paid a straight hourly rate. Where's my cut? I mean, they're saying it like everybody's gonna get a piece. They were congratulating us on our hard work and blah blah blah but, aside from maintaining employment, what's in it for us? Absolutely fucking nothing. Charles Bukowski said the same thing in "Factotum".
Absurdity's a motherfucker
Health wise, I'm meh. I don't have a voice right now and I'm feeling a bit run down. I had to take a couple of days off from work in the past couple of weeks. Right now, I'm just trying to chill and take care of myself, for next week will the week OF EPIC FUCKING AWESOMESSS!!!!
Oh dude! It's gonna be sweet. I'm having a Dead Hippie Party at Ultra Lounge on Thursday (my bday). Everybody's gonna be dressed up as some sorta dead/zombie hippie. My boys are spinning punk, reggae, soul, metal and maybe some old school hip hop. I haven't decided yet. THEN we're heading for Exit afterwards for the afterparty. SWEETNESS IN A CAN!!!!
So, yeah, that's my Precious Little Life so far. How the fuck are you doing?
No theme here. Just what I've listening to recently.
And for something completely different.
Not a whole has develop in my world. I'm actually going to be doing some articles for this new upstart website Wiz duh M. The site is mostly informative but funny articles about anything from cars to music to sports, etc. Like it JUST got up and running. Like--not even two weeks ago. Still I'm looking forward to contributing.
Job situation: pretty decent. The higher-ups are happy with my black ass cuz I've been almost consistently their top 10 producer in the company. Couple of times I was number 2 and half the time I'm in the top 5.
But here's my thing: One day the company made $33,000, their highest ever. And here's me, getting paid a straight hourly rate. Where's my cut? I mean, they're saying it like everybody's gonna get a piece. They were congratulating us on our hard work and blah blah blah but, aside from maintaining employment, what's in it for us? Absolutely fucking nothing. Charles Bukowski said the same thing in "Factotum".
Absurdity's a motherfucker
Health wise, I'm meh. I don't have a voice right now and I'm feeling a bit run down. I had to take a couple of days off from work in the past couple of weeks. Right now, I'm just trying to chill and take care of myself, for next week will the week OF EPIC FUCKING AWESOMESSS!!!!
Oh dude! It's gonna be sweet. I'm having a Dead Hippie Party at Ultra Lounge on Thursday (my bday). Everybody's gonna be dressed up as some sorta dead/zombie hippie. My boys are spinning punk, reggae, soul, metal and maybe some old school hip hop. I haven't decided yet. THEN we're heading for Exit afterwards for the afterparty. SWEETNESS IN A CAN!!!!
So, yeah, that's my Precious Little Life so far. How the fuck are you doing?
No theme here. Just what I've listening to recently.
And for something completely different.
Your birfday is coming sooooon!