Man, the job search hustle is tough, joe!
Right now, I'm talking with these people about stocking books for them. So far I sent them a cover letter, a resume, filled out their questionnaire and I just did a phone interview. Now I have to wait for them to send me an email letting me about another interview.
God I hope I get this gig. I can taste it.
Nothing else going on. Just what you read above. Not very exciting. I fail at life
Right now, I'm talking with these people about stocking books for them. So far I sent them a cover letter, a resume, filled out their questionnaire and I just did a phone interview. Now I have to wait for them to send me an email letting me about another interview.
God I hope I get this gig. I can taste it.
Nothing else going on. Just what you read above. Not very exciting. I fail at life

It sucks so fuckin much 2 see that u are also STILL goin thru this same bullshit! Why cant either of us find jobs dude?!