What up peoples!!! You magnificent pieces of shit you
Ok. Right now I'm kinda hungover. My brain is now operating at half its normal speed. AND I gotta type up this article for the website. It's OK, I've done it before.
I had a rough week at work. There was this surprise inspection and--this was on Monday--my supervisor told me to work extra THAT DAY saying, "I don't care how long it takes." I just nodded. Usually I'll be done around six, but by seven o'clock as I was mopping, I flipped out, threw down my mop and screamed "FUCK" no one was around to hear me. At about 7:30, as I was dumping the dirty water out in the janitor's closet, I flipped out again. I threw my scraper across the room, where it bounced off the wall and skidded across the wall. "Are you OK" I heard my boss say in the next room. He came out and I didn't even wanted to look at him. I just carried my mop and bucket down the hallway. He repeated what he said earlier and I just that was gonna mop the floor, clean the carpet and that I'm fine.
I'm sensing this is gonna be long so I'll skip to the end. The boss told me I could go home and the next day he was extra nice to me.
Anyway, the point that I think I'm trying to make(I'm hungover. Remember?) Is that why people gotta push me? I just don't understand it. I'm trying my best to be cool as school but...fuck. It gets hard, ya know? All I want is some peace of mind. Sigh.
Now that I got that off my chest: my b-day's next month. Yep, I'll be on this planet for twenty-nine years. I'm gonna do a mini-pub crawl of sorts. It's gonna start at Liars then move on to Exit. My friend Donna is even gonna put out flyers for this shit. At first, I was apprehensive, but now I'm warming up to it. I have to enjoy life and not be some fucking wallflower, moping around like life sucks.
Good God this is most I've ever typed in a while.
Billy Squier anyone?

Ok. Right now I'm kinda hungover. My brain is now operating at half its normal speed. AND I gotta type up this article for the website. It's OK, I've done it before.
I had a rough week at work. There was this surprise inspection and--this was on Monday--my supervisor told me to work extra THAT DAY saying, "I don't care how long it takes." I just nodded. Usually I'll be done around six, but by seven o'clock as I was mopping, I flipped out, threw down my mop and screamed "FUCK" no one was around to hear me. At about 7:30, as I was dumping the dirty water out in the janitor's closet, I flipped out again. I threw my scraper across the room, where it bounced off the wall and skidded across the wall. "Are you OK" I heard my boss say in the next room. He came out and I didn't even wanted to look at him. I just carried my mop and bucket down the hallway. He repeated what he said earlier and I just that was gonna mop the floor, clean the carpet and that I'm fine.
I'm sensing this is gonna be long so I'll skip to the end. The boss told me I could go home and the next day he was extra nice to me.
Anyway, the point that I think I'm trying to make(I'm hungover. Remember?) Is that why people gotta push me? I just don't understand it. I'm trying my best to be cool as school but...fuck. It gets hard, ya know? All I want is some peace of mind. Sigh.
Now that I got that off my chest: my b-day's next month. Yep, I'll be on this planet for twenty-nine years. I'm gonna do a mini-pub crawl of sorts. It's gonna start at Liars then move on to Exit. My friend Donna is even gonna put out flyers for this shit. At first, I was apprehensive, but now I'm warming up to it. I have to enjoy life and not be some fucking wallflower, moping around like life sucks.
Good God this is most I've ever typed in a while.
Billy Squier anyone?
Happy early birfday!!! Sorry about your work troubles. Glad he lightened up on ya. 

That's what Brendan said. Har har. Although once i danced for a guy whose colostomy bag must have been leaking, because he smelled like poo after the second song.