Hey, kids! Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak is here with the first blog of 2012.
Well, in less than fifteen minutes, Your Humble Narrator turns the Dirty 30. Still not quite sure how I feel about it. When you realize that you're older than the gorram Macintosh, for fuck's sake, you can't help but feel a little old.
On a couple notes in the category of what I like to call "gallows humor," I remember a few years back when, on this very blog, it was brought to my attention that, apparently, the week of my birthday is considered one of the most depressing and suicidal of the year. I'm far from that level, but it does give me a good laugh, as well as possibly explain why I've done pretty much fuck all today.
Also, there's been a wide range of famous deaths on my birthday. Caligula, L. Ron Hubbard, Winston Churchill, and Larry from The Three Stooges. I imagine there's a movie script in there somewhere.
I also imagine it would take a lot of mind-altering drugs to make a script like that work. And I'm too much of a lightweight.
I'm keeping on keeping on best I can. Got a lot to start sorting out, mostly financial-wise, but I enjoy being here chatting up with you kids, and I'm still in the process of wooing a lovely lady who I'm quite smitten with, and, amazingly, is smitten with me. It's been a long time coming. So hey, even a broken clock is awesome twice a day, right, kids?
She does indeed got the way to move and groove me. And her hair was perfect. Do wish me luck, kids.
I bought me one of those electronic cigarettes to help try and steer away from the proper kind, as well as save me some fucking money in the long run. Liking it so far, we'll see how it goes.
For those of you playing the Home Game, every entry in the Random YouTube-y Goodness(!!!) has to do with today, either by birthday or other milestone.
I should make myself a bacon sandwich for my birthday. And hopefully not lose my head over being 30.
That's all for now, kids. As always, I hope you are all well.
Stay tuned...

Well, in less than fifteen minutes, Your Humble Narrator turns the Dirty 30. Still not quite sure how I feel about it. When you realize that you're older than the gorram Macintosh, for fuck's sake, you can't help but feel a little old.
On a couple notes in the category of what I like to call "gallows humor," I remember a few years back when, on this very blog, it was brought to my attention that, apparently, the week of my birthday is considered one of the most depressing and suicidal of the year. I'm far from that level, but it does give me a good laugh, as well as possibly explain why I've done pretty much fuck all today.
Also, there's been a wide range of famous deaths on my birthday. Caligula, L. Ron Hubbard, Winston Churchill, and Larry from The Three Stooges. I imagine there's a movie script in there somewhere.
I also imagine it would take a lot of mind-altering drugs to make a script like that work. And I'm too much of a lightweight.
I'm keeping on keeping on best I can. Got a lot to start sorting out, mostly financial-wise, but I enjoy being here chatting up with you kids, and I'm still in the process of wooing a lovely lady who I'm quite smitten with, and, amazingly, is smitten with me. It's been a long time coming. So hey, even a broken clock is awesome twice a day, right, kids?
She does indeed got the way to move and groove me. And her hair was perfect. Do wish me luck, kids.
I bought me one of those electronic cigarettes to help try and steer away from the proper kind, as well as save me some fucking money in the long run. Liking it so far, we'll see how it goes.
For those of you playing the Home Game, every entry in the Random YouTube-y Goodness(!!!) has to do with today, either by birthday or other milestone.
I should make myself a bacon sandwich for my birthday. And hopefully not lose my head over being 30.
That's all for now, kids. As always, I hope you are all well.

Stay tuned...
NO! Denny's is drunk people food who happen to have taxi money. Microwavable macaroni and cheese is drunk food without contingencies.
but it's cheese flavoring!