Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak is ashamed of himself, kids. Completely ashamed. I mean, 4 months between blogs? Even for me, that's just sad.
Hey, kids! I'm alive, I promise. Things are just boring on my end these days. Work and more work, come home, sleep, sit in front of the computer, occasionally have a social life, lather, rinse, repeat.
No issues on my end with that bitch Irene, thankfully. My thoughts and good juju are with everyone here that was affected.
Since it's been ages since I've posted Random YouTube-y Goodness(!!!) here, let's have it make a triumphant return, shall we?
First off, I've been watching and re-watching Archer lately. I ♥ this show something fierce, and can't wait for the start of Season 3.
Also, thanks to aforementioned YouTube, I've been watching a lot of clips from The Gong Show. There's something to be said about quite probable cocaine use, random '70s celebrities, and watching those of questionable talent. Here's one of the most hilarious trainwrecks I've ever seen.
Who needs American Idol? Not Your Humble Narrator, that's for certain.
That's all for now, kids. As always, I hope you are all well.
Stay tuned...

Hey, kids! I'm alive, I promise. Things are just boring on my end these days. Work and more work, come home, sleep, sit in front of the computer, occasionally have a social life, lather, rinse, repeat.
No issues on my end with that bitch Irene, thankfully. My thoughts and good juju are with everyone here that was affected.
Since it's been ages since I've posted Random YouTube-y Goodness(!!!) here, let's have it make a triumphant return, shall we?
First off, I've been watching and re-watching Archer lately. I ♥ this show something fierce, and can't wait for the start of Season 3.
Also, thanks to aforementioned YouTube, I've been watching a lot of clips from The Gong Show. There's something to be said about quite probable cocaine use, random '70s celebrities, and watching those of questionable talent. Here's one of the most hilarious trainwrecks I've ever seen.
Who needs American Idol? Not Your Humble Narrator, that's for certain.
That's all for now, kids. As always, I hope you are all well.

Stay tuned...
aww so great
Happy New Year!!!