*This* guy. Whoops.

Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
Holy shit, has it been a while. Over a month? I need to cut that shit out. Mind you, I've still been puttering about the groups and the boards, But I really haven't been too crazy about blogs. But, I figured it was high time to let you, Gentle Reader, know what was up with me as of late.
And for those wondering, despite my last blog, no, I have not been drunk this whole time.

On the personal front...
Speaking of friends, It's been good to have the ones who have kept tabs despite my appalling lack of proper updating, or just by being awesome. Whether it's the old-school blue-posters giving words of encouragement and well-wishing, or getting to know brand-new people through what interaction I've had here, it's not been all bad.
Or, in the case of one who received Extra Bonus Freak Points, you show you care by enabling my unhealthy monkey obsession.
Not to mention the best of the bunch...
...because even beer is better with monkeys.
I ♥ my friends.
So, yeah, thanks, kids.
Oh, by the by...see that jaunty-looking fellow dead center? He needs a name. Feel free to offer your input.
I'm going to end things here, but plan on another update (I swear, no, really ) delving into the other goings-on as of late, including my impending vacation, as well as the 20-plus day working streak leading up to it.
Yes, you heard that right.
But before I go, for this entry of Random YouTube-y Goodness, I've got two questions...
1. Who the fuck else remembers this?
2. Who still finds it as awesome as I do?
As always, I hope you are all well.
Stay tuned...
have you tried to wii fit thing? is it cool?