Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
Yeah, remember when I said I was going to be better about updating?
Yeeeeeeahhhhhh...sorry about that.
Things have been pretty much same old on my end. Work @VZ, work @GS, talk to you kids. An exciting life here in Gahdna-Hey G-Vegas(!!!), I'll tell you.
However, I'm most definitely enjoying the unseasonable warm that's come to MA, and is going to be sticking around for a few more days.
Also, I have the day totally off, so that makes for time to get things done that need to be done. Dishes, some cleaning, laundry (if I can find one more quarter)...
...writing new blogs...
Since I've been somewhat scarce as of late, help Your Humble Narrator out. What have you all been up to lately?
For this edition of Random YouTube-y Goodness(!!!), have a peek into what I've been watching and listening to rather obsessively these past couple days.
That's all for now, kids. As always, I hope you are all well.
Stay tuned...
Yeah, remember when I said I was going to be better about updating?

Yeeeeeeahhhhhh...sorry about that.

Things have been pretty much same old on my end. Work @VZ, work @GS, talk to you kids. An exciting life here in Gahdna-Hey G-Vegas(!!!), I'll tell you.
However, I'm most definitely enjoying the unseasonable warm that's come to MA, and is going to be sticking around for a few more days.

Also, I have the day totally off, so that makes for time to get things done that need to be done. Dishes, some cleaning, laundry (if I can find one more quarter)...
...writing new blogs...

Since I've been somewhat scarce as of late, help Your Humble Narrator out. What have you all been up to lately?
For this edition of Random YouTube-y Goodness(!!!), have a peek into what I've been watching and listening to rather obsessively these past couple days.
That's all for now, kids. As always, I hope you are all well.

Stay tuned...
It would be the end of me.
Thx for the KITH
too bad i can't listen to.... more on this later.