Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
Yes, I'm quite aware I've yet to even post a blog this month. While I've been more active on the site than I've been in quite some time, I've refrained from a new blog mostly because, well, I've pretty much been up to jack shit as of late.
However, I figured it was time for a new entry for two big reasons...
1. As soon as I got out of work but a half hour ago, I started a much needed vacation. Not that I'm going anywhere special, mind you, but there's still nothing wrong w/being able to spend a week @home playing video games in my underwear and getting paid for it.
And more importantly...
2. In less than six short hours, it will be January 24th. A day that should be be a national holiday.

It will be my 27th birthday.
That's right, kids! Your Humble Narrator turns a year old and wiser (or more wiseass) tomorrow.
If any of you out there reading this are so inclined...
Wishlist? What wishlist?
The weekend will entail time @Nana and Grandpa's for general merriment. I look forward to it.
To celebrate, RANDOM YOUTUBE-Y GOODNESS(!!!!) is going '80s style, celebrating some songs that were big in 1982.
That's all for now, kiids. As always, I hope you are all well.
Stay tuned...
Yes, I'm quite aware I've yet to even post a blog this month. While I've been more active on the site than I've been in quite some time, I've refrained from a new blog mostly because, well, I've pretty much been up to jack shit as of late.
However, I figured it was time for a new entry for two big reasons...
1. As soon as I got out of work but a half hour ago, I started a much needed vacation. Not that I'm going anywhere special, mind you, but there's still nothing wrong w/being able to spend a week @home playing video games in my underwear and getting paid for it.
And more importantly...
2. In less than six short hours, it will be January 24th. A day that should be be a national holiday.

It will be my 27th birthday.

That's right, kids! Your Humble Narrator turns a year old and wiser (or more wiseass) tomorrow.
If any of you out there reading this are so inclined...
Wishlist? What wishlist?
The weekend will entail time @Nana and Grandpa's for general merriment. I look forward to it.

To celebrate, RANDOM YOUTUBE-Y GOODNESS(!!!!) is going '80s style, celebrating some songs that were big in 1982.
That's all for now, kiids. As always, I hope you are all well.

Stay tuned...