Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
Holy fucking asscrackers, I really need to work on my time here (more on that later). Today is my second of three days off, and I've been, for the most part, a total lazy-ass. But after working 50+ hours last week @both jobs, I think I earned it. Especially after the 14-hour day I pulled the day after Xmas.
Speaking of that, I do hope all of you had a happy holiday, whatever it is that you celebrate. Mine was good. I went to my Nana and Grandpa's for dinner (they got through the extended power outage A-OK, for those of you wondering), and got to see the family I couldn't see @Thanksgiving because I was stuck @work. And my Nana quite appreciated her new DVD player from me.
Especially where she got a nicer model than my gadget-y ass has ever owned. You're welcome, Nana.

Saw my dad last night because he had not been feeling well Xmas day. Had some Subway, gave him and my stepmom a $50 gift card to a local brewpub/restaurant that I found out they enjoy quite a bit.
I myself got a few gift cards, but then I had to go and misplace the GameStop one. GAH!
Speaking of GS, that's going quite well, and I really appreciate the change of pace and environment it gives me compared to the sometimes soul-sucking environment that is Verizon. Here's hoping they keep me around post-holiday (but my chances of that are looking pretty good).
Now, on this final day of 2008, I feel the need to get a little retrospective.
For me, 2008 seemed to be largely about relationships. Some new ones were created, others faltered, others recovered. Hell, even the ex and I have started talking to each other more than I expected. It was quite the crazy year overall. So, without further ado, here's the resolutions I would like to make for 2009.
1. Get a license and a car by the end of the year. This right here, if nothing else big all year, I need to make happen. It's just getting to be that time.
2. Get myself out there more where the opposite sex is concerned. Been single for almost 2 years now, and, with the various happenings this year, I think I've pretty much filled my quota as far as failure towards women is concerned. Here's to maybe finding (and succeeding) with that elusive someone that is enough like me.
Picture that if you will.
3. Get on the fucking golf course once the warm weather hits. I could use an outdoor hobby.
4. Get on SG more often! I've neglected you kids and this site something fierce as of late. I need to make a better effort to set some time aside just for you.
And, you may not want to admit it, but I'm sure 7 or 8 of you out there miss me too.
5. Keep on being the best damn Freak I can be.
That's it for now, kids. I hope each and every one of you has a safe and fun time ringing in the New Year.

Here's to '09, kids.
Stay tuned...
Holy fucking asscrackers, I really need to work on my time here (more on that later). Today is my second of three days off, and I've been, for the most part, a total lazy-ass. But after working 50+ hours last week @both jobs, I think I earned it. Especially after the 14-hour day I pulled the day after Xmas.
Speaking of that, I do hope all of you had a happy holiday, whatever it is that you celebrate. Mine was good. I went to my Nana and Grandpa's for dinner (they got through the extended power outage A-OK, for those of you wondering), and got to see the family I couldn't see @Thanksgiving because I was stuck @work. And my Nana quite appreciated her new DVD player from me.

Especially where she got a nicer model than my gadget-y ass has ever owned. You're welcome, Nana.

Saw my dad last night because he had not been feeling well Xmas day. Had some Subway, gave him and my stepmom a $50 gift card to a local brewpub/restaurant that I found out they enjoy quite a bit.

I myself got a few gift cards, but then I had to go and misplace the GameStop one. GAH!
Speaking of GS, that's going quite well, and I really appreciate the change of pace and environment it gives me compared to the sometimes soul-sucking environment that is Verizon. Here's hoping they keep me around post-holiday (but my chances of that are looking pretty good).
Now, on this final day of 2008, I feel the need to get a little retrospective.
For me, 2008 seemed to be largely about relationships. Some new ones were created, others faltered, others recovered. Hell, even the ex and I have started talking to each other more than I expected. It was quite the crazy year overall. So, without further ado, here's the resolutions I would like to make for 2009.
1. Get a license and a car by the end of the year. This right here, if nothing else big all year, I need to make happen. It's just getting to be that time.
2. Get myself out there more where the opposite sex is concerned. Been single for almost 2 years now, and, with the various happenings this year, I think I've pretty much filled my quota as far as failure towards women is concerned. Here's to maybe finding (and succeeding) with that elusive someone that is enough like me.
Picture that if you will.

3. Get on the fucking golf course once the warm weather hits. I could use an outdoor hobby.
4. Get on SG more often! I've neglected you kids and this site something fierce as of late. I need to make a better effort to set some time aside just for you.

And, you may not want to admit it, but I'm sure 7 or 8 of you out there miss me too.

5. Keep on being the best damn Freak I can be.
That's it for now, kids. I hope each and every one of you has a safe and fun time ringing in the New Year.

Here's to '09, kids.
Stay tuned...
BTW: who (or what) in God's name is that mustached thing up in your picture? Is that the chick that killed Selena or what?