Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
Well, isn't life funny?
First off, for those of you wondering, the stuff I talked about previous has sorted itself out for the better. Not only that, I've had some civil and even friendly(!!!) conversations w/the ex @work this past week or so.
So, things are looking up for Your Humble Narrator, right?
Well, kids, I can answer that question w/another question.
Which one of you knows what an inguinal hernia is?
(Freak Note: I was planning on posting "Living With a Hernia," but due to the douchebaggery of Sony/BMG, any and all copies of the video I've seen on YouTube are unembeddable. Facists.

^That^ is basically what is wrong w/me, same side and everything. Not so great, actually.
I've suffered from a groin strain for several years now, but it's only in the past few months that things have gotten complicated. Since I noticed a distinct amount of pain when I was on my feet for hours @a stretch, as well as visible protrusion (the morbid part of me still finds it hilarious), I figured it was high time I get it taken care of, before my bowels decide to create havoc on my crotchal region.
Now, since I'm a spry young fellow, I will be having a laproscopic surgery as opposed to "open" surgery. Not sure as of yet how long I'll be out of work (though I have my pre-test this afternoon), but all I know is this:
1. I'm not leaving that hospital w/o a scrip for some good meds.
2. I plan on spending a few days laying on my couch, nude as the day I was born, doped up to kingdom come. playing video games. Because I will probably not be doing much moving around.
My surgery is Monday morning. Trying not to psyche myself out too much, as it's a relatively minor procedure, but it's still the most I've had done, and I've also never been put under. I will do my best to update you guys as soon as I get home, but don't be surprised if the new blog has nothing more than statements like, "Satan eats your souls like puff pastries in the magical rainbow jungle," because, well, I'll probably be goofy as hell. Just...be understanding.
That's all for now, kids. A lot of blog commenting awaits, but before I go...

A personal hero and one funny motherfucker. You will be missed.
As always, I hope you are all well.
Stay tuned...
Well, isn't life funny?
First off, for those of you wondering, the stuff I talked about previous has sorted itself out for the better. Not only that, I've had some civil and even friendly(!!!) conversations w/the ex @work this past week or so.
So, things are looking up for Your Humble Narrator, right?
Well, kids, I can answer that question w/another question.
Which one of you knows what an inguinal hernia is?
(Freak Note: I was planning on posting "Living With a Hernia," but due to the douchebaggery of Sony/BMG, any and all copies of the video I've seen on YouTube are unembeddable. Facists.

^That^ is basically what is wrong w/me, same side and everything. Not so great, actually.
I've suffered from a groin strain for several years now, but it's only in the past few months that things have gotten complicated. Since I noticed a distinct amount of pain when I was on my feet for hours @a stretch, as well as visible protrusion (the morbid part of me still finds it hilarious), I figured it was high time I get it taken care of, before my bowels decide to create havoc on my crotchal region.
Now, since I'm a spry young fellow, I will be having a laproscopic surgery as opposed to "open" surgery. Not sure as of yet how long I'll be out of work (though I have my pre-test this afternoon), but all I know is this:
1. I'm not leaving that hospital w/o a scrip for some good meds.
2. I plan on spending a few days laying on my couch, nude as the day I was born, doped up to kingdom come. playing video games. Because I will probably not be doing much moving around.
My surgery is Monday morning. Trying not to psyche myself out too much, as it's a relatively minor procedure, but it's still the most I've had done, and I've also never been put under. I will do my best to update you guys as soon as I get home, but don't be surprised if the new blog has nothing more than statements like, "Satan eats your souls like puff pastries in the magical rainbow jungle," because, well, I'll probably be goofy as hell. Just...be understanding.

That's all for now, kids. A lot of blog commenting awaits, but before I go...

A personal hero and one funny motherfucker. You will be missed.
As always, I hope you are all well.

Stay tuned...
Best wishes!