Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
Damn, it's been almost two weeks since I updated! So unlike me.
I figured once it got to the point I wasn't getting new blog comments, it just might be time to update.
What's up w/me, you ask? Well, I had a relaxing day off. Decent weather for the most part. Had another counseling appointment, though I actually had little to talk about. I think it shows how I've been getting better @handling my shit. Still a bit of the lonely bug here and there. But that's expected. Though getting a little here and there has been a blessing as well as a curse. A curse because I now have urges to buy things like nipple clamps, rope and the like off the Interweb.
What can I say? I have the urge to get creative. And disciplinary.
Had plans w/a good friend that fell through. I was bummed, but I understood, as a car breakdown can put a damper on just about anything.
Also, I got this:
I've yet to try it out. Mostly because I'm a little stoned, which = a little unsteady. I'm thinking about working w/it for a couple weeks or so and writing about it. Thoughts?
Also also, because I feel like being Random McRandomy, here's some YouTube-y goodness.
Also x3, I realize, after reading through various past entries, it's been a while since I've posted a blog of Epic Freak Proportions(!!!) Methinks it'll soon be time to remind you kids of just why you stop by every now and then.
Not because of boobs.
Or my talking car.
But because of things like this:
That's all for now, kids. As always, I hope you are all well.
Stay tuned...
Damn, it's been almost two weeks since I updated! So unlike me.

I figured once it got to the point I wasn't getting new blog comments, it just might be time to update.

What's up w/me, you ask? Well, I had a relaxing day off. Decent weather for the most part. Had another counseling appointment, though I actually had little to talk about. I think it shows how I've been getting better @handling my shit. Still a bit of the lonely bug here and there. But that's expected. Though getting a little here and there has been a blessing as well as a curse. A curse because I now have urges to buy things like nipple clamps, rope and the like off the Interweb.
What can I say? I have the urge to get creative. And disciplinary.

Had plans w/a good friend that fell through. I was bummed, but I understood, as a car breakdown can put a damper on just about anything.
Also, I got this:

I've yet to try it out. Mostly because I'm a little stoned, which = a little unsteady. I'm thinking about working w/it for a couple weeks or so and writing about it. Thoughts?
Also also, because I feel like being Random McRandomy, here's some YouTube-y goodness.
Also x3, I realize, after reading through various past entries, it's been a while since I've posted a blog of Epic Freak Proportions(!!!) Methinks it'll soon be time to remind you kids of just why you stop by every now and then.

Not because of boobs.
Or my talking car.
But because of things like this:

That's all for now, kids. As always, I hope you are all well.

Stay tuned...
Get on it, fool!