Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
How are you all? Behaving yourselves, I hope (or @least not getting caught).

What have i been up to, you ask? Go back one entry. That's pretty much it. Because I am a giant dork. And you ♥ me for it.

Also, I watched Pink Flamingos Friday night whilst sitting in Chat. Now, I'm probably one of the biggest John Waters fans you'll ever meet. "Why," you ask? Because I'm a sick, sick little monkey.
Yet again, and you ♥ me for it. Now get your hands outta my pants.
Also, now being less than two weeks away, it's time to make the announcement "official," as only I do.
That's right, kids! Your Humble Narrator will soon be on a plane to travel to the Lone Star State to visit the lovely and awesome sillyokio. Not only is it a trip of firsts (never been on a plane, never left the East Coast), it's a trip I've been looking forward to since last year. I've been looking forward to it more every day. So, who knows? You might get the chance to mock my accent and "Northerner" ways for yourself!
I know Okio will.
Now, every now and then, I feel the need to bring to your attention some SG sets that I find just breathtakingly awesome. This blog entry is one of those times. So, without further ado...
Also, go check out Fatality's entry for the Most Shocking contest: Volcanic Ruins.
Go. View! Comment! Leave love! I command it!
What the hell...lets have some Divine singing!
That's all for now, kids. As always, I hope you are all well.
Stay tuned...
they're both anti-social. and maxx is horribly skidish around new folks. hell, he's like that around me most of the time.