Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
How am I, you ask? Well, I'm in a much sunnier mood than I have been for the past week or so. For those of you playing thefreak Home Game Edition...this is a good thing.
EDIT - I should point out that I appreciate the kind words and cheering up that you cool kids left me when I was feeling down. Extra kudos goes to Riz for dedicating a blog entry to Yours Truly.
You guys rule. Seriously.
Getting back into the normal swing of things @work has been pretty easy, the weather has been nice, and my last paycheck from the time I was out of the office was schweet (around $720, for you nosy little fucks out there
As for the drama around here as of late, I'm only going to say two things:
1. The people being disrespectful should be ashamed of themselves.
2. Can't we all just get along (or @least where we can all see it)?
Something that's also site-related, the new-fangled thing seems to be those "video blogs" that all you kids are talking about these days. Well I said to myself, "Self, if you want the ladies to want to touch your peenee, you better get in on that shit!"
So, I ask you a favor...
Ask me a question. Could be something you honestly want to know about me, to pick my brain, or just an exhibition of your own wiseassery. Point is, let's do this thang, as Snoop would say.
Speaking of Snoop, if he wasn't my hero before...I believe this makes it official.
You heard the man, Mr. Bill O'Reilly. SUCK. MY. DICK.
But I digress. Back to the topic @hand...
Want to know a little more about your Humble Narrator? Post a question, and there'll be a chance you get to see me answer it in the medium of moving pictures!
For those of you that seem to be some sort of fascist, Big Lebowski-style nihilist and refuse to watch video blogs, I'll even post the results via the typed word.
You're just intimidated by my sexy mug. Admit it.
That's all for now, kids. I hope you all have safe and enjoyable weekends.
Stay tuned...
How am I, you ask? Well, I'm in a much sunnier mood than I have been for the past week or so. For those of you playing thefreak Home Game Edition...this is a good thing.
EDIT - I should point out that I appreciate the kind words and cheering up that you cool kids left me when I was feeling down. Extra kudos goes to Riz for dedicating a blog entry to Yours Truly.
You guys rule. Seriously.

Getting back into the normal swing of things @work has been pretty easy, the weather has been nice, and my last paycheck from the time I was out of the office was schweet (around $720, for you nosy little fucks out there

As for the drama around here as of late, I'm only going to say two things:
1. The people being disrespectful should be ashamed of themselves.
2. Can't we all just get along (or @least where we can all see it)?
Something that's also site-related, the new-fangled thing seems to be those "video blogs" that all you kids are talking about these days. Well I said to myself, "Self, if you want the ladies to want to touch your peenee, you better get in on that shit!"
So, I ask you a favor...
Ask me a question. Could be something you honestly want to know about me, to pick my brain, or just an exhibition of your own wiseassery. Point is, let's do this thang, as Snoop would say.
Speaking of Snoop, if he wasn't my hero before...I believe this makes it official.
You heard the man, Mr. Bill O'Reilly. SUCK. MY. DICK.
But I digress. Back to the topic @hand...
Want to know a little more about your Humble Narrator? Post a question, and there'll be a chance you get to see me answer it in the medium of moving pictures!
For those of you that seem to be some sort of fascist, Big Lebowski-style nihilist and refuse to watch video blogs, I'll even post the results via the typed word.
You're just intimidated by my sexy mug. Admit it.

That's all for now, kids. I hope you all have safe and enjoyable weekends.

Stay tuned...
Nothing special for the big day, just work and waiting for Angus to get home from class. But there's all kinds of stuff going on for my birthday weekend, including a trip to Buca, one of my favorite places to eat!
For the HORDE!