Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
My vacation came to an end last week, but much fun was had.
If, by chance, you still missed two of the longest blogs you will ever see me write, your Humble Narrator will post them yet again.
Part I
Part II
When I came home, I was basically a lazy ass, sitting home, playing video games, and going to class.
Speaking of class, my final for the semester is Thursday. It's a bummer, because I was really enjoying the class and what I was learning (JavaScript, for those of you playing the Freak Blog Home Game) but figure I should just actually spend free time going through my textbooks. Crazy thought, huh?
I'm actually surprised by the lack of time I've spent here this past week or so. Basically getting back into the work mindset, watching the Sox play, keeping up on the NHL playoffs when I can, and, of course, more video games.
You'd think I'd actually get more housecleaning done. Baby steps.
Also, I'm glad the weather has finally started catching up to where it friggin' should be. I know it's New England (meaning, if you don't like the weather, wait a minute) but Jeebus H. Tapdancing Christ On a Cracker, it was getting annoying.
@the rate we were going, I'm just hoping to go straight into summer until, oh, October. Yours Truly has a thing for 80-90 degree weather like the dickens.
Now, I feel like going on a little tangent.
Walking to work this morning after little sleep, I decided to bring along the ole' Discman to listen to music and wake up. This morning basically reaffirmed my love for Huey Lewis and the News.
That's right. Your Humble Narrator...lover of John Waters, death metal, Adult Swim, and twisted, avant-garde humor (as well as an adult who plays, and enjoys, Pokemon), loves Huey Lewis.

Not with as a fanatical fervor as some people, mind you...
...but it's good shit. Lifts the spirits. Gives you quite the purple-headed veiny spiritual erection, as it were. If you know me well enough, you know my obsession w/Tom Jones. Well, Huey's pretty up there.
But what's my favorite song, you're asking yourself?
Well, I would assume you're either asking that or, "Has thefreak finally fallen off his rocker?" And I say, if you're asking the latter as opposed to the former, then you're either misguided and need someone such as myself to show you the True Way, or you're just breaking my balls because you're a bastard that way.
But I digress...
What's my favorite song? Well, there's plenty of hits to choose from, but it's not "Heart of Rock and Roll." It's not "Stuck on You." It's not even the one-two combo of "Power of Love" and "Back in Time" from Back to the Future, (the first of which was nominated for an Academy Award, FYI) but, it's "Heart and Soul." Kick-ass beat, and, of course, Being Huey Lewis, it's about a woman. It's not sappy, though. I say it's pretty damn sexy to the point of subtle deviance.
I have no fucking clue what I'm talking about, you say? Well, first of all, why the fuck are you asking all these questions when I have no clue you're asking them? I'm not a mind reader, you silly bitches! Second of all, it's my tangent, you don't like it, you can go write your own little tangent blog about how thefreak is a crazy cracka, and then I'll just reply w/lots of naughty words and a sexually questionable picture of a unicorn to confuse the fuck outta you.
Why? Fuck it, that's why! If I haven't left you confused and engorged, have I done my job? I think not.
Yet again, I digress.
Don't believe me? Take a look for yourself.
I've think I've lost my mind.
Anything else I have to share?
Ah, yes. I also picked this up yesterday.

So there shall be plenty of time to revel in comic book-style geekiness.
That's all for now, kids. Now my lack of time on SG as of late has resulted in a shitload of blogs I need to comment in. I'm off!
Stay tuned...
My vacation came to an end last week, but much fun was had.
If, by chance, you still missed two of the longest blogs you will ever see me write, your Humble Narrator will post them yet again.
Part I
Part II
When I came home, I was basically a lazy ass, sitting home, playing video games, and going to class.
Speaking of class, my final for the semester is Thursday. It's a bummer, because I was really enjoying the class and what I was learning (JavaScript, for those of you playing the Freak Blog Home Game) but figure I should just actually spend free time going through my textbooks. Crazy thought, huh?
I'm actually surprised by the lack of time I've spent here this past week or so. Basically getting back into the work mindset, watching the Sox play, keeping up on the NHL playoffs when I can, and, of course, more video games.
You'd think I'd actually get more housecleaning done. Baby steps.
Also, I'm glad the weather has finally started catching up to where it friggin' should be. I know it's New England (meaning, if you don't like the weather, wait a minute) but Jeebus H. Tapdancing Christ On a Cracker, it was getting annoying.

@the rate we were going, I'm just hoping to go straight into summer until, oh, October. Yours Truly has a thing for 80-90 degree weather like the dickens.
Now, I feel like going on a little tangent.
Walking to work this morning after little sleep, I decided to bring along the ole' Discman to listen to music and wake up. This morning basically reaffirmed my love for Huey Lewis and the News.
That's right. Your Humble Narrator...lover of John Waters, death metal, Adult Swim, and twisted, avant-garde humor (as well as an adult who plays, and enjoys, Pokemon), loves Huey Lewis.

Not with as a fanatical fervor as some people, mind you...
...but it's good shit. Lifts the spirits. Gives you quite the purple-headed veiny spiritual erection, as it were. If you know me well enough, you know my obsession w/Tom Jones. Well, Huey's pretty up there.
But what's my favorite song, you're asking yourself?
Well, I would assume you're either asking that or, "Has thefreak finally fallen off his rocker?" And I say, if you're asking the latter as opposed to the former, then you're either misguided and need someone such as myself to show you the True Way, or you're just breaking my balls because you're a bastard that way.
But I digress...
What's my favorite song? Well, there's plenty of hits to choose from, but it's not "Heart of Rock and Roll." It's not "Stuck on You." It's not even the one-two combo of "Power of Love" and "Back in Time" from Back to the Future, (the first of which was nominated for an Academy Award, FYI) but, it's "Heart and Soul." Kick-ass beat, and, of course, Being Huey Lewis, it's about a woman. It's not sappy, though. I say it's pretty damn sexy to the point of subtle deviance.
I have no fucking clue what I'm talking about, you say? Well, first of all, why the fuck are you asking all these questions when I have no clue you're asking them? I'm not a mind reader, you silly bitches! Second of all, it's my tangent, you don't like it, you can go write your own little tangent blog about how thefreak is a crazy cracka, and then I'll just reply w/lots of naughty words and a sexually questionable picture of a unicorn to confuse the fuck outta you.
Why? Fuck it, that's why! If I haven't left you confused and engorged, have I done my job? I think not.

Yet again, I digress.
Don't believe me? Take a look for yourself.
I've think I've lost my mind.
Anything else I have to share?
Ah, yes. I also picked this up yesterday.

So there shall be plenty of time to revel in comic book-style geekiness.
That's all for now, kids. Now my lack of time on SG as of late has resulted in a shitload of blogs I need to comment in. I'm off!
Stay tuned...
OMG thank youf or the bunny - so made my day!
Like totally you are fer sure