Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
Well, it's March 1st, and yet I've not one, but two snowstorms to look forward to this week!
Oh, Mother Nature, you're a sick and twisted twat to treat New England like this.
It's been all sorts of up-and-down on my end as of late. Work, more work, trying to keep personal drama @bay (my...
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Well, it's March 1st, and yet I've not one, but two snowstorms to look forward to this week!
Oh, Mother Nature, you're a sick and twisted twat to treat New England like this.

It's been all sorts of up-and-down on my end as of late. Work, more work, trying to keep personal drama @bay (my...
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Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
Boy, I really need to quit this "one or two blogs a month" deal. My sincerest apologies. Between both jobs I've been working like a madman. But I've @least been trying to make my presence felt, so you kids @least know Yours Truly is still among the living.
First off, thanks to everyone for all...
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Boy, I really need to quit this "one or two blogs a month" deal. My sincerest apologies. Between both jobs I've been working like a madman. But I've @least been trying to make my presence felt, so you kids @least know Yours Truly is still among the living.

First off, thanks to everyone for all...
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faces make me have

Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
Yes, I'm quite aware I've yet to even post a blog this month. While I've been more active on the site than I've been in quite some time, I've refrained from a new blog mostly because, well, I've pretty much been up to jack shit as of late.
However, I figured it was time for...
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Yes, I'm quite aware I've yet to even post a blog this month. While I've been more active on the site than I've been in quite some time, I've refrained from a new blog mostly because, well, I've pretty much been up to jack shit as of late.
However, I figured it was time for...
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Ta love! Always appreciate the support of the freak!
Yeah we went out for a beer last week, and I see him every now and again in passing. Dude should groped my titties.
Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
Holy fucking asscrackers, I really need to work on my time here (more on that later). Today is my second of three days off, and I've been, for the most part, a total lazy-ass. But after working 50+ hours last week @both jobs, I think I earned it. Especially after the 14-hour day I pulled...
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Holy fucking asscrackers, I really need to work on my time here (more on that later). Today is my second of three days off, and I've been, for the most part, a total lazy-ass. But after working 50+ hours last week @both jobs, I think I earned it. Especially after the 14-hour day I pulled...
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Wouldn't be a birthday without the freaking Rock!
BTW: who (or what) in God's name is that mustached thing up in your picture? Is that the chick that killed Selena or what?
BTW: who (or what) in God's name is that mustached thing up in your picture? Is that the chick that killed Selena or what?

Pizza Hut is a decent option? You poor bastard.

Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
Now, if it's not one thing w/Your Humble Narrator, it's always another.
As some of you may know, much of Massachusetts was hit hard by quite the little ice storm about a week ago. I was without power (and, therefore, without heat) for about 3 days.
It didn't tickle.
There's still lots of people,...
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Now, if it's not one thing w/Your Humble Narrator, it's always another.
As some of you may know, much of Massachusetts was hit hard by quite the little ice storm about a week ago. I was without power (and, therefore, without heat) for about 3 days.
It didn't tickle.
There's still lots of people,...
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Happy Holidays!

Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
Seriously, I need to be more on the ball about these things. Between VZ, GameStop, stressing about $, feeling rather blase about the holidays and so on, I've been pulled in many a direction. Here's hoping I can focus my chi...or my awesomeness. Even to the point of causing blindness
Yes, I watched Kung Fu...
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Seriously, I need to be more on the ball about these things. Between VZ, GameStop, stressing about $, feeling rather blase about the holidays and so on, I've been pulled in many a direction. Here's hoping I can focus my chi...or my awesomeness. Even to the point of causing blindness
Yes, I watched Kung Fu...
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yay - glad your got the letter!
your a cute little nerdy pants arent you?
Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
After my triumphant return, I promised an update to let you know what Your Humble Narrator has been up to during my prolonged absence.
First off, after several months of waiting, I finally got the job @GameStop, and so far, it's been going pretty well. I fell into place easier than I thought I...
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After my triumphant return, I promised an update to let you know what Your Humble Narrator has been up to during my prolonged absence.
First off, after several months of waiting, I finally got the job @GameStop, and so far, it's been going pretty well. I fell into place easier than I thought I...
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I'm working on tabbing that out actually. It's a bit too fast for me now, but one day....it will be mine.
I did. Saw it opening night at midnight. Free tickets. 

Sweet Merciful Jesus H. Christ on a Pogo Cracker! It is I, Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
Now, remember when I said I promise to spend more time here after I flaked out on my Interweb time? Then when I (again) promised to spend more time here after I was basically fornicating w/my Xbox 360?
I meant it. Honest. For this most recent sabbatical was not...
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Now, remember when I said I promise to spend more time here after I flaked out on my Interweb time? Then when I (again) promised to spend more time here after I was basically fornicating w/my Xbox 360?
I meant it. Honest. For this most recent sabbatical was not...
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A "dry loop", you say? Hmmmm, sounds like something you'd go to the doctor for, not to your local phone company.
Welcome back, m'dear. Good to have you back among us.

Welcome back, m'dear. Good to have you back among us.

I am going to kill you and eat your brains out of your hollowed out skull before hiriing Asian male prostitutes to dress like schoolgirls and play Double Dutch w/your own entrails
Best quote ever.
Not only does it make me invision a Suehiro Maruo painting, it also gives me words to describe the intense rage I have felt all week!
Hey, kids! It's another update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
Remember what I said about how I was still alive and was going to make an effort to be here more often?
Yeah, then I went and picked up a wireless router and a Wi-Fi adaptor and spent some time getting reacquainted with my Xbox 360.
So, yeah. I'm still around. Just a big...
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Remember what I said about how I was still alive and was going to make an effort to be here more often?
Yeah, then I went and picked up a wireless router and a Wi-Fi adaptor and spent some time getting reacquainted with my Xbox 360.

So, yeah. I'm still around. Just a big...
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if i don't hear from you, i'll post a photo of a turkey every day until i do. 

Hey, kids. It's yet another "I'm still alive, I promise" update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
I seriously miss you guys, and my sincerest apologies for not being around.
Unfortunately, things in Your Humble Narrator's life have been getting rather compacted as of late. Between financial stress, increasing work stress (including my hours getting shittier by the week) and increasing personal drama from people I...
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I seriously miss you guys, and my sincerest apologies for not being around.
Unfortunately, things in Your Humble Narrator's life have been getting rather compacted as of late. Between financial stress, increasing work stress (including my hours getting shittier by the week) and increasing personal drama from people I...
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i'm doing well. sounds like you're having a bit of trouble, though. i remember the days when i had all kinds of funny that i posted (yeah, looooong time ago) and one of the things that still sticks with me was this:
i know how to say in six languages "fuck 'em if they can't take a joke." i don't really know how to say it in six languages, that was observational humor that i'm assuming the person who wrote it that could do so. but it helps me. maybe one day i'll learn how to say it in six languages. that would be cool.
and surprise, surprise, i'm going to be a panda. bet you didn't see that one coming.
i know how to say in six languages "fuck 'em if they can't take a joke." i don't really know how to say it in six languages, that was observational humor that i'm assuming the person who wrote it that could do so. but it helps me. maybe one day i'll learn how to say it in six languages. that would be cool.
and surprise, surprise, i'm going to be a panda. bet you didn't see that one coming.

see above poor grammar. i tried the edit button, but i was too impatient to wait for the save. i meant to say " ... the person who wrote that could do so."
me smart gurl.
me smart gurl.
Hey, kids! It's another "I'm still alive, I promise" update from Your Friendly Neighborhood Freak.
Yes, I'm well aware I've not been around for the past couple weeks. I've actually (SHOCK AND HORROR!) not been in an "Interweb" mindset as of late. Mostly, it's been working all sorts of crazy hours @work (though they've finally stabilized somewhat) and I am, for all intents and...
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Yes, I'm well aware I've not been around for the past couple weeks. I've actually (SHOCK AND HORROR!) not been in an "Interweb" mindset as of late. Mostly, it's been working all sorts of crazy hours @work (though they've finally stabilized somewhat) and I am, for all intents and...
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my co-worker sent it to me and today when i mentioned that it was the awesomest thing ever, he said "who else but you would get that excited about monkeys?" that was when i thought of you.

Excellent journal!
Ok, I must know in where that pic of Betty White (with a gun?!) is from...
I'm only featured in Part 2 - where's Part 2??
By spring, I foresee a new chapter in the history of Silliness. Or, short of a new chapter, the introduction of a new, handsome metaprotagonist who'll both charm and bully the other characters to his will.
congrads on the ipod. I got a zune in july its definatly diffrent and very cool makes life alot easyer.
hope to talk to you again soon. tc ttyl. bye bye for now.