I need to apologize to a very awesome person who might or might not read this. I'm sorry, Mary Anne. I know I let you down, and I feel bad about it. You rock, and I wish I could have seen you, tonight. Soon, I promise.
In other news... work is sparse. Money is... nonexistent. I'm stressed, for so many reasons. PMS is complicating things, despite my attempts to counteract its affects on me.
But... I'm happy. I mean, things aren't great right now, but at least it's not stagnant. There will be improvement, soon. This is just a low, rough spot with a smooth and sunny horizon.
I hung out with Schiavona and his wife on Friday - which was much fun. I always enjoy their company.
Why is that whenever I have free time, I'm penniless... and when I have money, I have no time to enjoy it? Ah, well... many thanks to LittleFierceOne for supporting me during the penniless times. I really do hate having to rely on others for money.
Alrighty, well, that's about it from my end. I wish it were happier, but I'm sure things will pick up, soon. Hope you are all enjoying the summer!
In other news... work is sparse. Money is... nonexistent. I'm stressed, for so many reasons. PMS is complicating things, despite my attempts to counteract its affects on me.
But... I'm happy. I mean, things aren't great right now, but at least it's not stagnant. There will be improvement, soon. This is just a low, rough spot with a smooth and sunny horizon.
I hung out with Schiavona and his wife on Friday - which was much fun. I always enjoy their company.
Alrighty, well, that's about it from my end. I wish it were happier, but I'm sure things will pick up, soon. Hope you are all enjoying the summer!
I sowwy.
I don't communicate well, either. I know we have stuff we have to work on, but I do love you.