My computers fudged good and proper! sat at work, using my phone to send this because i get told off for going on SG here, cant think why? ( . ) ( . )? Any way, goin on a small holiday next week, i need it so bad! Questions- CFG, is the weather any better? are u gona do SG? THE CHEAT, hows ya nipple and tongue? MUD BUNNY(although i think u changed your name?) Hows your squirrel? saw your photos the other day, very nice! ; ) God im bored! i hate the UK! Some day im gone come and live with all u pretty girls in america! Will try to log on soon and talk to ya all : ) Byeee. x x x
The weather is WAY more awesome! Summer here has been kicking ass, nice and hot, good cool breezes. Warm summer nights, beautiful blue sky. I'm so blessed to live in my beautiful city. And you bet your ass I'm gonna do it! How could you get bored in the UK? Ah well, I guess you're from there, so that makes sense, I can't wait to visit there one day 

Dude, I feel you on the computer deal. My computer was broken for the last month or so. I just got a new one, and I am finally able to use a computer again. It feels so good to be back. The cyber world is so comforting.