very tired!! need more sleep.
very bored, got paid on friday so i mite go and buy lotsa shite to keep me busy.
Friday night was a blur! first time i've been drunk since last year, and it ruled!
Everyone else having a fun weekend?
Had some of my arm re-coloured on thursday, it itches like crazy now! its worst than it was the first time and i wana rip my skin off!
very bored, got paid on friday so i mite go and buy lotsa shite to keep me busy.
Friday night was a blur! first time i've been drunk since last year, and it ruled!
Everyone else having a fun weekend?
Had some of my arm re-coloured on thursday, it itches like crazy now! its worst than it was the first time and i wana rip my skin off!

And as for Suikoden III...I highly reccomend it. It's an awesome game with DAYUM good graphics...and it unfortunately got overlooked cuz FFX came out just before it.
But yea, it's basically the same as II...all the characters and such, and it takes a while to get used to the new 3-D world and battle system, but it's graphics are beautifully done for a first attempt at something besides 2-D.