Had a dream yesterday. It was about a girl. A redheaded, plain beauty from a troubled past (in the vein of white trash than anything she had caused herself). She lived in Georgia, I think outside of Atlanta. Name began with a J. She lived in a bad neighborhood, less than favorable conditions with her daughter, Degennah. She worked hard and was a good mother but never could reach that next rung on any professional ladder. And she was lonely. Working (not sure what her occupation was but it was merely a job and not a career) and being a mother left her little social life and emotionally drained to even attempt it. She turned to a online dating site. That's how I met her. She was very sexual but not slutty, never infringing on monogamy when she was lucky enough to be in a relationship. She wanted a man, however, unwilling to compromise herself to have one.
She was smart and funny with just enough self doubt to make her lovely.
She was smart and funny with just enough self doubt to make her lovely.