I walked into Wal-Mart this morning looking to kill some time before meeting some coworkers. I was greeted warmly enough and replied the same. Then I was informed that they do not allow people to carry bags "back there" meaning the depths of the store. I stopped, pondered a reply and thought of the past three years I have been entering that particular store never to be stopped and informed that. "I've never been told that before." The Greeter responded "That's the policy," ignoring the fact that, policy or not, the same store had never stopped me before. I didn't blame her; she was just carrying out the guidelines she was told to uphold. Not really wanting to shop Wal-Mart in the first place I shrugged and told her I would do my shopping elsewhere and thanked her (which was sincere; if she didn't believe it that's her problem). And then I thought about it on the way out. She said they hold bags such as mine there at the doors. I doubt they insure them and we leave them at our own risk though they make us leave them (and mine has my MacBook Pro, the entire fucking reason I didn't leave it in my damn vehicle). And then I thought of all the women walking around with handbags and postulated how easy, comparatively, it would be to slip something into a bag clutched under a woman's arm than to slip it into a bag on my back zippered up. Again: take the fucking bag off my back, unzipper it, put my ill gotten gains inside and zipper it back up. Not very discrete. I thought how much a double standard it was... me, a male with a bookbag, was not allowed to shop yet every woman I passed on the way in had their big handbags hanging on their shoulders and were greeted and allowed to shop. I thought of arguing but not with the Greeter, again she is just doing her job, but to ask for a manager and raise a big stink with people around.
Instead, I say FUCK WAL-MART!!!! I don't care what it is, I truly will never step foot in that goddamned forsaken Hellhole again for anything. Hopefully this recession/depression will wipe Sam Walton's legacy from the face of this country. Fucking Wal-Mart. I am still pondering raising a discrimination case with them.
Other than that there is talk once again of a coworker's son looking for some help with his business. He does video editing and as his business grows he may look into hiring a middleman. I have worked with video before and I have a grounding in Mac use. I would be a good, and cheap, partner to take on. Could this great opportunity be real? If it is should I attempt it in these tumultuous times? I'd be making double what I am now, easily. And I wouldn't hate myself for doing this work (unlike the hospital). As Capt. Picard would say (God, I don't like Star Trek), "Make it so." I need a good break right about now.
Instead, I say FUCK WAL-MART!!!! I don't care what it is, I truly will never step foot in that goddamned forsaken Hellhole again for anything. Hopefully this recession/depression will wipe Sam Walton's legacy from the face of this country. Fucking Wal-Mart. I am still pondering raising a discrimination case with them.
Other than that there is talk once again of a coworker's son looking for some help with his business. He does video editing and as his business grows he may look into hiring a middleman. I have worked with video before and I have a grounding in Mac use. I would be a good, and cheap, partner to take on. Could this great opportunity be real? If it is should I attempt it in these tumultuous times? I'd be making double what I am now, easily. And I wouldn't hate myself for doing this work (unlike the hospital). As Capt. Picard would say (God, I don't like Star Trek), "Make it so." I need a good break right about now.
i never thought of doing that
escape seem to be the only answer. but it is only an answer for that short interim of escape. move, shift in different environments, indulge, enjoy when you can. can I do those things and get enough work done to ever progress before the end? only time will tell I suppose.
did you get an actual job offer or is the guy putting out feelers? 2x salary? sounded like you hate your job anyway. I would highly suggest getting the fuck out of carolina. I won't even capitalize it. by the way, I've had some nice escapism in season 4 of BSG. my bro got me the 4.0 disks for xmas. I think I'll wait a while before I watch 4.5. I don't want it to end you know.