Can an SG be named a number? That's what I would do. That way, I'd always be at the top of the list because not many people would want to be named a number. You'd have to go with a 0 or a 1.
It's always hard to find yourself in a listing. Might as well try to be number one. Note the pun in that statement. Heehee.
The above rambling is brought to you by a guy whose last name kept him at the bottom of every list he's been on... but not the exact end of the list for that would make the name easy to spot as well.
This is my Buddha. It was gifted to me by the girl I'd like to have intercourse with. Since receiving it I feel more centered in my wishes and desires. No such idol has brought me, not peace, but an understanding of inner peace, as Buddha has.
It's always hard to find yourself in a listing. Might as well try to be number one. Note the pun in that statement. Heehee.
The above rambling is brought to you by a guy whose last name kept him at the bottom of every list he's been on... but not the exact end of the list for that would make the name easy to spot as well.
This is my Buddha. It was gifted to me by the girl I'd like to have intercourse with. Since receiving it I feel more centered in my wishes and desires. No such idol has brought me, not peace, but an understanding of inner peace, as Buddha has.