John Cleese said that if he had the chance to do Fierce Creatures again he wouldn't. He said that when you work with an ensemble again, in this case with the cast from A Fish Called Wanda or with his Monty Python work, there is an expectation with the audience.
That said, I will now divulge my idea for a TV show. Get together a great group of actors, say the Buffy case or the group from Firefly, and make an idea up. The idea itself doesn't matter for it will only last one season. The next season the storyline will be changed. It's not a continuing storyline that's the draw but the skill of the actors to mold into the roles for that particular season. Using the above as an example, consider Season One with the Pythons to be the Meaning of Life, Season 2 is Life of Brian and Season Three is Holy Grail. It's not a sketch show but a show that runs for one year/season and then becomes a new show.
Sure it will hit the snag that Cleese points out but the actors and improv would make even the bad bearable until the new season when it's time for something completely different.
That said, I will now divulge my idea for a TV show. Get together a great group of actors, say the Buffy case or the group from Firefly, and make an idea up. The idea itself doesn't matter for it will only last one season. The next season the storyline will be changed. It's not a continuing storyline that's the draw but the skill of the actors to mold into the roles for that particular season. Using the above as an example, consider Season One with the Pythons to be the Meaning of Life, Season 2 is Life of Brian and Season Three is Holy Grail. It's not a sketch show but a show that runs for one year/season and then becomes a new show.
Sure it will hit the snag that Cleese points out but the actors and improv would make even the bad bearable until the new season when it's time for something completely different.