Last night I was playing Pathfinder with my friends. It's a DnD like game if you aren't aware. Anyway my character is a drunk tiefling whose only friend for a long time was his magic talking sword. Sword got taken. By another player. You see his original character was a barbarian who became a demigod so he had to leave the party. We are only level 7. I almost sent a lightning bolt to his face and the character who says the stupidest shit had to remind mine of common courtesy. It was pretty awesome. I did get the sword back. turns out my character is the lost heir to a thought to be defunct clan. This was pretty heavy for my character since he's an orphan. I saw an interview with Matthew Mercer where he said memories of RPG's are recorded as actual memories (he was quoting a neurologist whose name I forget). So when the game ended I had to sit in my room and think because I already lost two friends. (My actual best friend was crushed by an ettin. Long story.) And then to have my other friend taken was traumitizing. All in all it was a good night.
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