The s word is a super rude term for a woman who is...totally at peace with her sexuality. As a friend put she "knows what she likes and won't apologize for it." Originally the term had nothing to do with sex. It referred to a women with an "unkempt appearance." But language changes and people used it to shame women for enjoying sex. Here's the thing though, who wants to have sex with a person who doesn't enjoy it? Besides rapists pieces of shit who should be shoved in a fucking dirty ass hole and injected with every disease...But I digress. I've never understood why others felt a need to shame women for enjoying an act that is meant to be enjoyable. To me slut, whore, and any other word that is meant to shame women really means their good in bed. And who wants bad sex?
Fear of one's own sexuality is often the culprit. And besides, didn't you know life wasn't made for enjoyable, pleasurable experiences? Life was made for suffering... ;) (In case it didn't translate, that was thick syrupy sarcasm).