I feel it again. The feeling , deep somewhere in my mind. It makes food not taste good. It makes everything seem dull , grey and without meaning. The depression. I feel myself closing up, pushing people away. Getting lonelier and lonelier. I cant help it, everything annoys me. People hurt me easily and I hurt others. I'm losing them and I don't think I...
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Life is full of surprises and most of them not good. Been helping someone very dear to me begin to fight cancer at only 23. Life shouldn't be so hard for someone so young.
true....take care
I hope they get better and that you also have someone to talk to and not have to go through this alone
I never do this sort of thing, the whole blogging thing just isn't my style. I've never been one for words, let alone know how to express myself. Unfortunately I feel as though I've hit rock bottom. I'm alone. It's not that I don't have a family that loves me or a roof over my head. I just don't have any friends. No one to...
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This happens to me all the time, even if I have company I just feel so lonely, hope things have change for you now <3
Not at all