And people ask me all the time why I moved from home.... I was sitting around a house the other night, christmas eve it was. There was about six other people that I knew from growing up there, we were all sitting around watching Bad Boys 2. Out of nowhere someone busts out a bunch of coke and they all start snorting it. It seemed funny to me because these weren't the type of kids that did hardcore drugs. I guess coke is a really common thing around here now. No wonder why nobody does anything with their lives around here. So after the coke was consumed everyone became a bit chattier. We were still watching bad boys 2 and I annoucned to the room that I had 'jungle fever'. Immediatly afterwards a kid said "man, all the niggers I've talked to said they don't want to be with black bitches because they stink." This kid was so absolutely serious too. Ummm, yeah. I miss milwaukee right now very badly.
but, ummm... it's friday!