Acquisition #1
Off with a bang!

I was able to find three very important games in one lot yesterday on ebay. I'm assuming that the seller didn't pay any attention to the ending time of his auction because it ended at 4am; good for me, not so good for him. I waited til about 2:30am to put in my bid, expecting that I would be fast asleep by 4am.
Mike Tyson's Punch Out:
Nostalgia Factor: 10

It doesn't get any better than this. Mike Tyson's Punch Out was one of the very first video games I ever played, second probably to Mario Bros., of course. It was the late 80's before I even had a NES. My family was over at my relatives house and my cousin Travis and I were hanging out in a tent beside his house. My brother and other cousins were all taking turns playing the magical machine and of course I was pretty terrible at getting anywhere in this game. If I did know anything though, it was that I had to have a NES and I had to have it NOW! This was the day that I started begging and pleading with my parents to get one. Being from a family of modest means I knew it wasn't going to be easy task talking them into it. Finally about six months later it appeared behind the wrappings of a large box placed under our family's christmas tree.
Super Dodge Ball:
Nostalgia Factor: 10

Holy SHEEEET!!! This has got to be one of the best video games ever made. I didn't like any kind of sports as a child but I loved this game. I was introduced to by Jesse Farris, who was a neighbor of mine way back in the 90's. His house was actually the place where I got introduced to the most new games, as his parents were down with always letting us rent tons of games. I remember always trying to be the USSR team as they were easily the best. Their players were named Boris, Ivan, Pavel, Igor, Volf, Yakov. The best part about this game was nailing your opponent with a power shot. Power shots were a unique special move that each player had that would totally incapacitate the throwee's target. The following is a list of power shots that I found online:
The Blaster - Sam (Team U.S.A.)
This throw is fast, powerful, and destructive. It flies straight toward its intended target.
The Uppercut - Jack (Pro All-Stars)
This throw flies straight at the target and as it hits the opponent, rises straight up into the air, taking the opponent with it.
The Wave - James (Team England)
This throw moves in a wave-like motion and slams the opponent to the ground.
The Stinger - Rajiv (Team India)
This throw buzzes around and follows the opponent until it gives him a sting.
*The Warp - Helgi (Team Iceland)
This throw disappears in mid-air and suddenly reappears in front of the opponent.
*The Breaker - Wang (Team China)
This throw appears to fly straight, only to suddenly change direction, and slam into an unsuspecting opponent.
*The Boomerang - Yemi (Team Kenya)
This throw flies straight over and past the opponent and then suddenly returns to slam the unsuspecting opponent.
*The Compressor - Fuji (Team Japan)
This throw is so fast that the ball becomes compressed into a small sphere, only to expand when it hits the opponent.
*The Accelerator - Boris (Team USSR)
This throw gets faster and faster as it approaches the opponent.
*The Spear - Other Players
This throw is an extremely powerful throw that does not stop even after it hits an opponent.
*The Psycho - Other Players
This throw has such a spin on it that the ball appears to split up into many balls.
*The Lightning - Other Players
This throw shoots straight up into the air and suddenly strikes the opponent from the sky.
*The Sidewinder - Other Players
This throw winds through the air, making it difficult for the opponent to judge the ball.
This is easily the game I am most excited about playing again.
Dragon Warrior:
Nostalgia Factor: 7

I don't remember how I originally acquired this game, but I know I used to play it for days and days at my parents house. It was a lot like Zelda and I'm pretty sure I beat it. This game was all about experience points which were used to raise the level of your character. That's about all I remember about it besides that it was super fun.
Off with a bang!

I was able to find three very important games in one lot yesterday on ebay. I'm assuming that the seller didn't pay any attention to the ending time of his auction because it ended at 4am; good for me, not so good for him. I waited til about 2:30am to put in my bid, expecting that I would be fast asleep by 4am.
Mike Tyson's Punch Out:
Nostalgia Factor: 10

It doesn't get any better than this. Mike Tyson's Punch Out was one of the very first video games I ever played, second probably to Mario Bros., of course. It was the late 80's before I even had a NES. My family was over at my relatives house and my cousin Travis and I were hanging out in a tent beside his house. My brother and other cousins were all taking turns playing the magical machine and of course I was pretty terrible at getting anywhere in this game. If I did know anything though, it was that I had to have a NES and I had to have it NOW! This was the day that I started begging and pleading with my parents to get one. Being from a family of modest means I knew it wasn't going to be easy task talking them into it. Finally about six months later it appeared behind the wrappings of a large box placed under our family's christmas tree.
Super Dodge Ball:
Nostalgia Factor: 10

Holy SHEEEET!!! This has got to be one of the best video games ever made. I didn't like any kind of sports as a child but I loved this game. I was introduced to by Jesse Farris, who was a neighbor of mine way back in the 90's. His house was actually the place where I got introduced to the most new games, as his parents were down with always letting us rent tons of games. I remember always trying to be the USSR team as they were easily the best. Their players were named Boris, Ivan, Pavel, Igor, Volf, Yakov. The best part about this game was nailing your opponent with a power shot. Power shots were a unique special move that each player had that would totally incapacitate the throwee's target. The following is a list of power shots that I found online:
The Blaster - Sam (Team U.S.A.)
This throw is fast, powerful, and destructive. It flies straight toward its intended target.
The Uppercut - Jack (Pro All-Stars)
This throw flies straight at the target and as it hits the opponent, rises straight up into the air, taking the opponent with it.
The Wave - James (Team England)
This throw moves in a wave-like motion and slams the opponent to the ground.
The Stinger - Rajiv (Team India)
This throw buzzes around and follows the opponent until it gives him a sting.
*The Warp - Helgi (Team Iceland)
This throw disappears in mid-air and suddenly reappears in front of the opponent.
*The Breaker - Wang (Team China)
This throw appears to fly straight, only to suddenly change direction, and slam into an unsuspecting opponent.
*The Boomerang - Yemi (Team Kenya)
This throw flies straight over and past the opponent and then suddenly returns to slam the unsuspecting opponent.
*The Compressor - Fuji (Team Japan)
This throw is so fast that the ball becomes compressed into a small sphere, only to expand when it hits the opponent.
*The Accelerator - Boris (Team USSR)
This throw gets faster and faster as it approaches the opponent.
*The Spear - Other Players
This throw is an extremely powerful throw that does not stop even after it hits an opponent.
*The Psycho - Other Players
This throw has such a spin on it that the ball appears to split up into many balls.
*The Lightning - Other Players
This throw shoots straight up into the air and suddenly strikes the opponent from the sky.
*The Sidewinder - Other Players
This throw winds through the air, making it difficult for the opponent to judge the ball.
This is easily the game I am most excited about playing again.
Dragon Warrior:
Nostalgia Factor: 7

I don't remember how I originally acquired this game, but I know I used to play it for days and days at my parents house. It was a lot like Zelda and I'm pretty sure I beat it. This game was all about experience points which were used to raise the level of your character. That's about all I remember about it besides that it was super fun.