Man am I going loopy today. Sleep deprivation does it to me every time. Talk about an effed up sleep schedule and tons of tons 'o stuff going on. Lets see how this impromptu list works out:
-Giants got beat today - SUCK!
-Football is going to effin rule this year. GO NINERS!!!
-My little brother got divorced from the family today.
-My father and I are closer because of it.
-Out of the blue I just ran into Riki's ex bf from Milwaukee. Talk about random...
-...Last weekend I met a kid at a bar that I have a mutual ex gf with that currently lives in Milwaukee and dated him when they both lived in Fargo, ND. Whoa! (Joey Lawrence NOT Keanu Reeves voice please)
-A friend from my late teens/early 20's years works 4 blocks from my apartment. I had no idea he even lived in SF until he was checking my id at the black heart procession show.
-Two other groups of people from my Michigan upbringing are out here as well.
-"The most beautiful people in the world live in SF" - Corey Hansen
-As of late I am teetering so much with my behavior and demeanor toward other people that the totter snaps back like a rubber band. I need to slow the fuck down and chill the fuck out.
-DOMINOES DOMINOES DOMINOES. It will be rather quite ON tomorrow.
-People of authority that don't use non verbal communication are intimidating. It's like that time that Jack Richardson said "It's not like I'm guilty of anything I just don't want him to accuse me of anything".
-The San Francisco Bike Coalition is definitely doing it. I've never seen a collective have so much shit together.
-Purposes are more purposeful when they are less self serving.
-The fortune cookie was invented by a poor Japanese man that worked in Golden Gate Park, about 3 miles from my apartment. It did not originate from China...It was born in America.
-636 Cole St San Francisco, CA is the address of the Charlie Manson House that was utilized during the 1963 Summer Of Love
-6114 California Street San Francisco is the residence where Anton Levay birthed the Church Of Satan
-What a deal. Two for one day. I trade in Jeffery Dahmer and I get Anton Levay and Charlie Manson.
-George Carlin's performance on September 17th will be HEAVILY attended by me. That fucker was born in 1937. His Back In Town and You Are All Diseased performances are the closest things I have to a bible.
-Speaking off, I'm starting to drastically change my perception of religion. And it isn't a positive perception in the least
-Liberation !<> Moving to SF
-I'm reading A Language Older Than Words by Derreck Jensen
-I really could keep this thing going and going and going and going.
-CSI is a really terrible attempt and dramatic acting.
-I just finished Sopranos season five. Me likes much. How could one not like Tony. I find myself handling things like him because it's so attractive.
-Tonight I will begin Monk
-Nothing compares to Lost. Is it Oct. 5th yet?
-Soon I will be a proficient stencil maker.
-I have a plan for Glory Years Revisited
-If you've read up to here you probably don't have a lot going on right now.
-I think it's time.
-Yep it's time.
-Giants got beat today - SUCK!
-Football is going to effin rule this year. GO NINERS!!!
-My little brother got divorced from the family today.
-My father and I are closer because of it.
-Out of the blue I just ran into Riki's ex bf from Milwaukee. Talk about random...
-...Last weekend I met a kid at a bar that I have a mutual ex gf with that currently lives in Milwaukee and dated him when they both lived in Fargo, ND. Whoa! (Joey Lawrence NOT Keanu Reeves voice please)
-A friend from my late teens/early 20's years works 4 blocks from my apartment. I had no idea he even lived in SF until he was checking my id at the black heart procession show.
-Two other groups of people from my Michigan upbringing are out here as well.
-"The most beautiful people in the world live in SF" - Corey Hansen
-As of late I am teetering so much with my behavior and demeanor toward other people that the totter snaps back like a rubber band. I need to slow the fuck down and chill the fuck out.
-DOMINOES DOMINOES DOMINOES. It will be rather quite ON tomorrow.
-People of authority that don't use non verbal communication are intimidating. It's like that time that Jack Richardson said "It's not like I'm guilty of anything I just don't want him to accuse me of anything".
-The San Francisco Bike Coalition is definitely doing it. I've never seen a collective have so much shit together.
-Purposes are more purposeful when they are less self serving.
-The fortune cookie was invented by a poor Japanese man that worked in Golden Gate Park, about 3 miles from my apartment. It did not originate from China...It was born in America.
-636 Cole St San Francisco, CA is the address of the Charlie Manson House that was utilized during the 1963 Summer Of Love
-6114 California Street San Francisco is the residence where Anton Levay birthed the Church Of Satan
-What a deal. Two for one day. I trade in Jeffery Dahmer and I get Anton Levay and Charlie Manson.
-George Carlin's performance on September 17th will be HEAVILY attended by me. That fucker was born in 1937. His Back In Town and You Are All Diseased performances are the closest things I have to a bible.
-Speaking off, I'm starting to drastically change my perception of religion. And it isn't a positive perception in the least
-Liberation !<> Moving to SF
-I'm reading A Language Older Than Words by Derreck Jensen
-I really could keep this thing going and going and going and going.
-CSI is a really terrible attempt and dramatic acting.
-I just finished Sopranos season five. Me likes much. How could one not like Tony. I find myself handling things like him because it's so attractive.
-Tonight I will begin Monk
-Nothing compares to Lost. Is it Oct. 5th yet?
-Soon I will be a proficient stencil maker.
-I have a plan for Glory Years Revisited
-If you've read up to here you probably don't have a lot going on right now.
-I think it's time.
-Yep it's time.
thanks for the complimentsweetie! i appriciate it greatlty you have no idea

i have a dirty mind hahaha!