i struggle with the idea of watching my mouth religiously, or religious fervor in general. i really thought a pornographic website (yes i know... its art, except you're not suppose to masturbate to art... remember that) would be free from religous banter. i honestly thought science, technology, logic, police, etc... would destroy the need and use of religion.
the main purposes of religion are:
a. to give people comfort in dying
b. to control people when they can't be watched over.
well, technology has extended life, and we have quite an extensive network of security/protection in our country (and any other country that has citizens with the ability to pay for/debate/and stare at naked women in their free time). granted, technology hasn't guaranteed immortality, and the security isn't flawless.
so why does it exist? i know everyone sees things differently; its the beauty of the world, but i still can't fathom waking up everyday and saying "you know what? i need to live for an ideal, because i've been convinced i know its better later." sure its just a figurehead statement, but still i argue because the principals behind it are incorrect and immoral.
christianity has become accepted as a hereditary obligation. its been stated as correct in general because of its intagible nature. for example, we all I]know l. ron hubbard is full of shit because we saw him; we could have touched him... he was tangible.
when are the Summerians making a comeback? the first civilization had religion correct. they weren't interested in death, and the idea of magic beyond life. they believed life was a gift and that living for today was more important than waiting for tomorrow.
faith as an answer is saying because when someone asks why.
i call shenanigans.
the main purposes of religion are:
a. to give people comfort in dying
b. to control people when they can't be watched over.
well, technology has extended life, and we have quite an extensive network of security/protection in our country (and any other country that has citizens with the ability to pay for/debate/and stare at naked women in their free time). granted, technology hasn't guaranteed immortality, and the security isn't flawless.
so why does it exist? i know everyone sees things differently; its the beauty of the world, but i still can't fathom waking up everyday and saying "you know what? i need to live for an ideal, because i've been convinced i know its better later." sure its just a figurehead statement, but still i argue because the principals behind it are incorrect and immoral.
christianity has become accepted as a hereditary obligation. its been stated as correct in general because of its intagible nature. for example, we all I]know l. ron hubbard is full of shit because we saw him; we could have touched him... he was tangible.
when are the Summerians making a comeback? the first civilization had religion correct. they weren't interested in death, and the idea of magic beyond life. they believed life was a gift and that living for today was more important than waiting for tomorrow.
faith as an answer is saying because when someone asks why.
i call shenanigans.