@babal I have now job, I have no money, my partner moved back toLA and now has broken up with me because of the distance and even though we were open she can't let go that I played with someone / slept with someone else, I'm terrified about getting my rent paid and the job centre is an absolute nightmare. I've been crying all day and last night and I don't want to do anything but I have to go out as my name is down on the guestlist for a club and there are others who are going as my plus 2 and I need to go and support my friend who is the main dj tonight. I have so much in the next week but all I want to do is curl up into a ball, fall asleep and never wake up again.
Sometimes in your life you are down and you have to fight to continue to live. I know it's so hard, but one day it will change, everything change, just wait, find new goal and be yourself!