Nothing like being stuck at home ill to make you hate the world.
The news in the last few days has done nothing but anger me. From pretty important stuff like the UK Independence Party's leader (I refuse to use their acronym or their leaders name) being on Question Time, along with Russell Brand to the backlash (??) at the 2 brothers who opened the Cereal Killer Cafe in Shoreditch, East London. Oh, and don't let me forget this piece of shit in that English rag of a "newspaper", The Sun
I mean, what the actual fuck? I'd rather not go into detail of why I am so angry at this. The only thing I would say is that I saw this piss poor attempt at a fucking joke coming a mile off. I'll be honest, I have a dark sense of humour, but fucks sake, this is just plain not funny and just idiocy.
Also the freedom of expression and art problems that artist GunSmithCat is having with DeviantArt. I posted some of his work in a blog earlier today, but for those who can't be arsed to go check, here is two that are pretty obvious examples of what he is trying to say
The-I-Phonekkake by GumSmithCat
His work has pretty much blown up over the last few days and no doubt, the demand of his profil will definitely go up because of it.
And let's not forget the bullshit change in ruling over porn in the UK
What the fucknig hell does it matter what people watch at home? What the hell has it got to do with anyone else what consenting adults do and watch? These "Rules" have been put together by those so determined to reactive the fucking myth that the British are utterly sexually repressed and "We don't do those kind of things" or those so hypocritical that they vote to have these rulings come in because their mistresses have pissed them off and they want to fuck their income from now on.
At least a few things made me smile today, this being one of them
Channel 4 invades X Factor ad break
I love that Channel 4 are putting something to shake things up a bit. They may have pissed me off with the awful journalism where their journo berated one of the owners of the new Cereal Killer Cafe, but at least this will hopefully stir things up a bit more. I hate the bullshit opera that is the X-Factor, it's fake and full of the same old boring, no talent idiots year in, year out who have no career after 2 years. It's a fucking farce that pulls in the mugs to care while it's happening then nothing happens for a year where last years winner get unveiled to a public who have clearly forgotten and have no desire to reignite their fickle love for last years news.
This has been a proper rant today haha, nothing new though. I'm not as bad as I used to be but every now and then it's needed or I'll explode.