Listening to "Eyelids" by my current obsession, @thisispvris while watching the clouds go by & thinking about life, love and everything in between. #Music really taps into those places and things I just am not able to vocalise and unfortunately the lyrics of others ends up saying what I wish I could say myself. Having#SlowCognitiveProcessing makes it hard for me to say the things I want to and mean, but having strong #Aspergerstraits too just makes it harder again. Saying this though, we are all dealt a hand that we need to deal with and get on with living life and moving forward, otherwise we will stagnate and ultimately waste our time here. I'm not 100%#Happy with where I am currently in#Life, but I've made changes in the last 7/8 months & although they aren't the happiest of decisions but I'm on a better path than the one I was heading down. I miss those that are not present or missing from my life right now, more than likely they won't see this but if I haven't seen you in person for anything from a few weeks to 2 months to 5 months to way longer, I still think of you. You may not believe it but even those I've fallen out with come to mind a lot, if only to wish things were different. Ugh, kind of a direction less post but I kinda just wanted to put it out there. #TryingToBePositive#PMA #Love #LovedOnes #Friends#LoveHurts #Pvris #WhiteNoise #Electro#Alternative #Sky #Clouds #CloudPorn#Spotify #Mac #iMac