Rather excited today, I am going to St. Louis for a couple days to hit up a self made food and brewery tour. If anyone has any suggestions let me know, but this is what I have planned I would like to hit up.
Evansville to Tin Man. Eat and drink there.
BBQ. http://bogartssmokehouse.com/
4 Hands Brewing and hang out and drink. http://4handsbrewery.com/
check out http://www.stlouisunionstation.com/listings/union-station-hotel/
Schlafly Brewing (.4 mile) for dinner and beer http://schlafly.com/tap-room/
check out breakfast place called Rooster.http://roosterstl.com/
Check out urban chestnut brewing for lunch http://urbanchestnut.com/
Check out Alpha Brewing http://www.alphabrewingcompany.com/