Just got back last night from an awesome three day canoe trip. Though I did get a pretty bad sunburn, so that sucked.
More Blogs
Thursday Mar 10, 2011
Anyone in germany that wants to hangout, I'm ULTRABORED. -
Monday Aug 23, 2010
Planning a trip to Ireland in two weeks. Unfortantly alot of my buddi… -
Wednesday Jun 02, 2010
Had a bad day, drank to much, don't know what I said. Luckly it looks… -
Tuesday May 04, 2010
Trying to download a naruto movie for the 5th time, can't wait long e… -
Sunday Apr 25, 2010
Missing home, wish I spoke deutch I would like to have a conversation… -
Sunday Apr 04, 2010
German bars and clubs are a good time, as I found out last night. Tho… -
Wednesday Mar 31, 2010
Tired of private's drama, can't wait for what may or may not be a thr… -
Saturday Mar 27, 2010
Adventuring out seeing things, next week should be able to drink, so … -
Friday Mar 19, 2010
At my new duty station Bamberg Germany, going pretty well, trying not… -
Thursday Jan 14, 2010
Next thursday is the big day Went to Kuma's Korner for lunch at 2 …