Board and no one around to talk to so here's an update, through I don't know if anyone reads it anyways.
Wen't to milwaukee nice to see my friends, couldn't fall asleep cause I slept thinking I would be up all night. So friday night saturday mourning stayed up tilll 9 am talking to random girls we met at a bar. Of course they all had bf though one had told me she didn't later that night, still not sure if that was suppose to be hint to make a move. I would have normally gone with a yes, but she didn't see that interested, and her friend had told me when we got to their place, I wasn't getting laid. In some respects it was nice to hear it outloud so I knew where I stood, on the other hand it is kind of like why couldn't you have said this to me befour I came here if your going to be very forward about it. Then she procedded to tell me , the one who just said I'm not getting laid, that if was befour she was engaged she would have jumped my bones. So I went back to my friends place, went to sleep for like 3 hours, cause people were having mourning sex in another part of the room. So I stuck around hanging out because I was suppose to go to Madison to hang out with them, she persuaded me of this while hanging out, and then never called.
Whatever the end
Wen't to milwaukee nice to see my friends, couldn't fall asleep cause I slept thinking I would be up all night. So friday night saturday mourning stayed up tilll 9 am talking to random girls we met at a bar. Of course they all had bf though one had told me she didn't later that night, still not sure if that was suppose to be hint to make a move. I would have normally gone with a yes, but she didn't see that interested, and her friend had told me when we got to their place, I wasn't getting laid. In some respects it was nice to hear it outloud so I knew where I stood, on the other hand it is kind of like why couldn't you have said this to me befour I came here if your going to be very forward about it. Then she procedded to tell me , the one who just said I'm not getting laid, that if was befour she was engaged she would have jumped my bones. So I went back to my friends place, went to sleep for like 3 hours, cause people were having mourning sex in another part of the room. So I stuck around hanging out because I was suppose to go to Madison to hang out with them, she persuaded me of this while hanging out, and then never called.
Whatever the end
but sorry to have forsaken you and not paid enough attention. lol