Off till I start summer classes, ofcourse I had drill last weekend so couldn't do to much. So the first full day off, breakfest of sausage and dorittos (need to go shoping desperatly). Other than that want to go to the lake and hang out, get laid, have some random unplanned fun.
More Blogs
Thursday Mar 10, 2011
Anyone in germany that wants to hangout, I'm ULTRABORED. -
Monday Aug 23, 2010
Planning a trip to Ireland in two weeks. Unfortantly alot of my buddi… -
Wednesday Jun 02, 2010
Had a bad day, drank to much, don't know what I said. Luckly it looks… -
Tuesday May 04, 2010
Trying to download a naruto movie for the 5th time, can't wait long e… -
Sunday Apr 25, 2010
Missing home, wish I spoke deutch I would like to have a conversation… -
Sunday Apr 04, 2010
German bars and clubs are a good time, as I found out last night. Tho… -
Wednesday Mar 31, 2010
Tired of private's drama, can't wait for what may or may not be a thr… -
Saturday Mar 27, 2010
Adventuring out seeing things, next week should be able to drink, so … -
Friday Mar 19, 2010
At my new duty station Bamberg Germany, going pretty well, trying not… -
Thursday Jan 14, 2010
Next thursday is the big day Went to Kuma's Korner for lunch at 2 …