OK its update time.....
This week I have been at a Biology conference in Norwich aka the most boring , non descript city on the Planet!!!
I gave a talk about Posttranscriptional Control of Protein synthesis to 300 delegates and then got grilled by loads of knob head proffesors about the finite details of my talk. I swear they ask questions just to be awkward, I pulled one of them up on it
It was funny because i embarrased him. Whay meatron.
We lost again at football last night to a team of dirty little south mancunian oasis lovin, liam gallagher jacket wearin, earing toting, scally scum bags. I was gutted!!! We got robbed by this cocky little shit fluking a goal past me off about three other people.
My good friend and desginer Toby Bradshaw aka d[esign]Void of designvoid.com has just completed the album cover art for the megatron sessions. Its bad ass and ill put it up for download from my My Personal Website as well as the music, as always.
I put it in my candids instead
Im going to leeds this weekend to visit my girlie and am hopefully going out on the lash tonight with her sister and her mates. C'mon.
Megatron are going well i have 5 new songs ready to record. Wild PR company may be signing us up, if the bastards ever return my emails. No news from Island Records yet.
Thats all for now
This week I have been at a Biology conference in Norwich aka the most boring , non descript city on the Planet!!!
I gave a talk about Posttranscriptional Control of Protein synthesis to 300 delegates and then got grilled by loads of knob head proffesors about the finite details of my talk. I swear they ask questions just to be awkward, I pulled one of them up on it

We lost again at football last night to a team of dirty little south mancunian oasis lovin, liam gallagher jacket wearin, earing toting, scally scum bags. I was gutted!!! We got robbed by this cocky little shit fluking a goal past me off about three other people.

My good friend and desginer Toby Bradshaw aka d[esign]Void of designvoid.com has just completed the album cover art for the megatron sessions. Its bad ass and ill put it up for download from my My Personal Website as well as the music, as always.
I put it in my candids instead

Im going to leeds this weekend to visit my girlie and am hopefully going out on the lash tonight with her sister and her mates. C'mon.
Megatron are going well i have 5 new songs ready to record. Wild PR company may be signing us up, if the bastards ever return my emails. No news from Island Records yet.
Thats all for now

cant play this song on the radio