Contrary to popular belief i am not trying to be inflamatory on this website. I was/am having a great time, I was ranting and some people dont like it ! Thats fine its over now i said my piece.
All is forgotten and i would like to get on with people if thats fine.
On a lighter note
Mondo Generator were awesome last night and if you live in manchester and you werent there , then you should have been.
When they played Songs off "Cocaine Rodeo" i was doing my nut. Brilliant!
Also i finish work today for the holidays
Come on!!!!!!!!
All is forgotten and i would like to get on with people if thats fine.
On a lighter note
Mondo Generator were awesome last night and if you live in manchester and you werent there , then you should have been.
When they played Songs off "Cocaine Rodeo" i was doing my nut. Brilliant!
Also i finish work today for the holidays
Come on!!!!!!!!

Did you see Earth in bristol? Apparently Dylan Carlson was amazing
I do zoology at Cardiff!