So Im back, My nets been off just about two months, and in all honest its done me some good.I really cant be bothered with the fake bullshit people on the internet. luckily i havent ran into any on here and thats the true, but the likes or myspace and even inked nation are full of idiots and i dont need that in mylife.
Ive come to the conclusion i deserve amazing people in my life and someone amazing as a partner, im sick of settling for second best.
Theres been all sorts going on ...not. Im workin 60 hour weeks for extra cash for ink and a holiday with my best girl in october.I have so many mates over the country and i promised i would visit them all this year lots, ive not been anywhere but leeds, which im not complaining about but, ipswitch, eastbourne, telford, london and swindon are waiting for me...i seem to be wishing my weeks away at work and then havin no money due to debt to go anywhere.But hopefully after august i can sort this out. phewwww.
Car is finally gettin on the road this week, bit nerovous seen as though ive only drove aprox 7 times since i passed my test in may.it will be a challenge.
Gettin inked next week, finally after months of waiting to afford some. gettin more added to my sleeve, hopefully gettin my neck tattoo;ed at the great north tattoo convention in august and more of my sleeve after that.
Men have fucked me about, ill rephrase that. ive had a lot of shit of lil boys who only think about their penis, mate...it aint all that.So fuck it, fuck them and ill stop fucking myself by gettin attached to them.
~im concentrating on me, exercising, tring to cut down smoking-that aint happening lol. ill endputting more weight on if i stop.
The smoking ban in public places in britain is helping me cut down but also pissing me off that i cant have a fag and a cider in my fav pubs anymore.the bristish goverment are fucking pricks.
Do i sound like im moaning? i dont mean to be. im alot more positive now than i was, even tho im not having the best times still.
Im off now for a bit got nothing much to say and i cant bare the net after 11 hours at work. so take care. talk soon. leave love and ill leave you guy some pics x

So Im back, My nets been off just about two months, and in all honest its done me some good.I really cant be bothered with the fake bullshit people on the internet. luckily i havent ran into any on here and thats the true, but the likes or myspace and even inked nation are full of idiots and i dont need that in mylife.
Ive come to the conclusion i deserve amazing people in my life and someone amazing as a partner, im sick of settling for second best.
Theres been all sorts going on ...not. Im workin 60 hour weeks for extra cash for ink and a holiday with my best girl in october.I have so many mates over the country and i promised i would visit them all this year lots, ive not been anywhere but leeds, which im not complaining about but, ipswitch, eastbourne, telford, london and swindon are waiting for me...i seem to be wishing my weeks away at work and then havin no money due to debt to go anywhere.But hopefully after august i can sort this out. phewwww.
Car is finally gettin on the road this week, bit nerovous seen as though ive only drove aprox 7 times since i passed my test in may.it will be a challenge.
Gettin inked next week, finally after months of waiting to afford some. gettin more added to my sleeve, hopefully gettin my neck tattoo;ed at the great north tattoo convention in august and more of my sleeve after that.
Men have fucked me about, ill rephrase that. ive had a lot of shit of lil boys who only think about their penis, mate...it aint all that.So fuck it, fuck them and ill stop fucking myself by gettin attached to them.
~im concentrating on me, exercising, tring to cut down smoking-that aint happening lol. ill endputting more weight on if i stop.
The smoking ban in public places in britain is helping me cut down but also pissing me off that i cant have a fag and a cider in my fav pubs anymore.the bristish goverment are fucking pricks.
Do i sound like im moaning? i dont mean to be. im alot more positive now than i was, even tho im not having the best times still.
Im off now for a bit got nothing much to say and i cant bare the net after 11 hours at work. so take care. talk soon. leave love and ill leave you guy some pics x

ur quiet lately?
You're so fucking beautiful! I just thought you should know that!