Im NOT dead. Haha.
Hello my peoples. hope your all ok. Life has been buzzing around me the past couple of weeks and i just havent had chance to update or to be honest i be bothered to update. ive rarely visited the site.
Anyway i Have finally moved back home with my mum last week.The garage is all converted to my bedroom and its so awesome.just need furniture sorting when i have money as all my money als month went on cider and nights out. i went out so so much and i loved every fucking minute of it!so this month its time to pay off all my arrears and live on pennies.gutted.
So Let me try think what ive been doing with myself. ive been spending every minute with one of my bird Stace, she wicked. we go for eats, drives, nights out and cinemas nearly everyday or near enough.no wonder im skint.

im single i freaking loving it!minus the shit ive had from so guys.my love life is a mess.I dont want nothing serious with guys but they all like me but just seem to want to be mates.FOUR! in the space of a week told me this!FOUR! Fucksake. i did get an awesome Lay on saturday though and i really really needed it.haha.
Urm i got some more of my sleeve started too.gettin alot more added in may.shes a beauty me and a guy i like adore

May has plans for LOLO visits, hopefulyl Visits to see my girl Beth and our new GORGEOUS SG HENTAI! i love her.shes well fit! come back from bristol its evil!last time i saw her...she looks lush i look rank

So im at work now and ive managed to squeeze this update in. i may add more later.
I am back i n bristol now and living up the cider, it's no lovely yo be home!.
The new sleave looks great, love it!
i have been away fro, the site to for a long time, well the blog part of it anyways.
Take care my lovely and make most of the men.
Well this evening i am going to oxfam training as i have been picked to steward at some festivals this year; reading, glasto and latatude.
any ways take