Yeah. my heads a bit messy...Im too into someone, who ill never have.Im such a fuck up sometimes.i give up! Why am i all teary.raiden u dickhead...
*sorts self out*
In other news im getting happierin other areas, with decisions im making. Im starting to do more with my life, see friends more, go out again.its nice.its better than nice. feel like a big weights lifted off my shoulders.
Plans or possible plans for the next couple of weeks/month include a trip to dublin, trip to see lolo, Justin timberlake with lolo, driving test, moving home, casino night with mate, amsterdam, a trip in the sun, a trip to see a mate in telford, lapdancing lessons, summer trips to wales, lots of alcohol and clothes shopping! oh im gona have fun this year i mean it!
This weekend consists of martini lounge/burlesque night combined with rock night, girlies and booze!
Lie ins, haircut, food, more sleep, shower, clubbing, flirting, dancing my brains out, sleep, food, cinemas, sleep
Love it!

frumpy top but i love it!
Yeah. my heads a bit messy...Im too into someone, who ill never have.Im such a fuck up sometimes.i give up! Why am i all teary.raiden u dickhead...
*sorts self out*
In other news im getting happierin other areas, with decisions im making. Im starting to do more with my life, see friends more, go out again.its nice.its better than nice. feel like a big weights lifted off my shoulders.
Plans or possible plans for the next couple of weeks/month include a trip to dublin, trip to see lolo, Justin timberlake with lolo, driving test, moving home, casino night with mate, amsterdam, a trip in the sun, a trip to see a mate in telford, lapdancing lessons, summer trips to wales, lots of alcohol and clothes shopping! oh im gona have fun this year i mean it!
This weekend consists of martini lounge/burlesque night combined with rock night, girlies and booze!
Lie ins, haircut, food, more sleep, shower, clubbing, flirting, dancing my brains out, sleep, food, cinemas, sleep
Love it!

frumpy top but i love it!
take care