So you may wonder why my names changed, well this is my chosen Sg name, so i thought id get used to it incase i do infact become an sg.
Anyway, today i am really bored.ive been thinking about things i really want to do and going to make a list of 101 things to do and set a traget.but i need to get a hobby and do stuff i like, i totally waste my days online, bored in front of the tv or moping about doin nothing.its shit.
i want to start canvas painting again, read more books, study astronomy, im going to go back to college on two part time courses its gonna cost 87 for the cosemtic make upp course and 129 for the fashion course, but i get my quarterly bonus from work this month so i can enroll*fingers crossed* ya know i just need to star having a life,
i think in a year or so im gona move from this small town and possibly even country. id love to go to america!! like tooootally and visit australia.
im goin out for a meal tonight in yarm with the boy then for a walk along the river,on the way back might go sign up to blockbuster and rent a movie, seen as tho i never get to go to the pics anymore,.
so i reallly need money, i cant find a new job that will accept my body modifications or i know i can do, so i guess im gonna have to face going back too call centre, i hope my anixety can handle it. i might scam a few more days off from doctors note.i should really go for a chat with my boss.i hate it.
blah i feel fat

Anyway, today i am really bored.ive been thinking about things i really want to do and going to make a list of 101 things to do and set a traget.but i need to get a hobby and do stuff i like, i totally waste my days online, bored in front of the tv or moping about doin nothing.its shit.
i want to start canvas painting again, read more books, study astronomy, im going to go back to college on two part time courses its gonna cost 87 for the cosemtic make upp course and 129 for the fashion course, but i get my quarterly bonus from work this month so i can enroll*fingers crossed* ya know i just need to star having a life,

i think in a year or so im gona move from this small town and possibly even country. id love to go to america!! like tooootally and visit australia.
im goin out for a meal tonight in yarm with the boy then for a walk along the river,on the way back might go sign up to blockbuster and rent a movie, seen as tho i never get to go to the pics anymore,.
so i reallly need money, i cant find a new job that will accept my body modifications or i know i can do, so i guess im gonna have to face going back too call centre, i hope my anixety can handle it. i might scam a few more days off from doctors note.i should really go for a chat with my boss.i hate it.
blah i feel fat
Yeah get back into painting again, I love painting, well most of the time. Today I repainted something so many times I ended up with less work then when I started lol