Life is good. Had to make an appointment to see my doctor so I'm a bit scared (I had a polyp removed from my esophagus recently -- it's all kinda related to when I got stabbed 10 years ago) but whatever the news is I can handle it... Been praying a lot for first time in well, too long. I feel grounded and shit.
About to go see Thermals/ Yeah Yeah Yeahs show at one plade then the Decemberists show at another, which honestly is the gig I am most psyched about since that band is amaaaaaaazing. Of course Karen O. will rule too -- no disrespect.
Today Seattle is beautiful -- I watched a swirl of pink flower petals move like a school of fish down an alleyway outside of work while taking a cellphone break and I thought I would pass out it was so fucking cool-looking.
Today I thought all day about Neutral Milk Hotel, for some reason. This is from a long interview I did with Jeff Mangum, part of a cover story for PUNCTURE mag about 5 years ago:
MIKE: There's a real joy and wonder to your work. It has elements of the outlook like a six-year-old
might have where a six-year-old can look at a car going by and still be weirded out that such a thing even exists. This is distilled for me in the line off "Aeroplane" that goes "How strange it is to be anything at all." Is that your philosophy in a nutshell?
JEFF: I usually wake up every morning really freaked out that I'm in my body. Like usually whatever dream I'm having has something to do with being totally freaked out that I'm in my body and I usually wake up with a shock. And then I relax, forget about it and go have a cup of coffee.
MIKE: Do you re-connect with that first-wake-up feeling with your music?
JEFF: Yeah. I mean it's also about all the crazy sleep-walking dreams that I have.
MIKE: You sleep-walk?
JEFF: Incredibly, yeah. I have like all kinds of crazy hallucinations and it's pretty strange.
MIKE: You mean when you're asleep...
JEFF: Well I open my eyes and I see things. I've seen like spirits moving through the walls. I've seen a vortex coming through the wall. I've seen amorphous little balls of light bouncing all around in the front yard through the window. I've seen giant bugs on the floor. I was in a hotel room in Amarillo, Texas and all I remember is standing on the bed and seeing the whole wall in front of me filled with lights that were popping like popcorn out of the wall. Then I'll wake up and I go "Wow, I was standing on my bed and staring at this wall."
MIKE: Is it like those dreams where you dream that you've woken up but you haven't?
JEFF: Sort of.
About to go see Thermals/ Yeah Yeah Yeahs show at one plade then the Decemberists show at another, which honestly is the gig I am most psyched about since that band is amaaaaaaazing. Of course Karen O. will rule too -- no disrespect.
Today Seattle is beautiful -- I watched a swirl of pink flower petals move like a school of fish down an alleyway outside of work while taking a cellphone break and I thought I would pass out it was so fucking cool-looking.
Today I thought all day about Neutral Milk Hotel, for some reason. This is from a long interview I did with Jeff Mangum, part of a cover story for PUNCTURE mag about 5 years ago:
MIKE: There's a real joy and wonder to your work. It has elements of the outlook like a six-year-old
might have where a six-year-old can look at a car going by and still be weirded out that such a thing even exists. This is distilled for me in the line off "Aeroplane" that goes "How strange it is to be anything at all." Is that your philosophy in a nutshell?
JEFF: I usually wake up every morning really freaked out that I'm in my body. Like usually whatever dream I'm having has something to do with being totally freaked out that I'm in my body and I usually wake up with a shock. And then I relax, forget about it and go have a cup of coffee.
MIKE: Do you re-connect with that first-wake-up feeling with your music?
JEFF: Yeah. I mean it's also about all the crazy sleep-walking dreams that I have.
MIKE: You sleep-walk?
JEFF: Incredibly, yeah. I have like all kinds of crazy hallucinations and it's pretty strange.
MIKE: You mean when you're asleep...
JEFF: Well I open my eyes and I see things. I've seen like spirits moving through the walls. I've seen a vortex coming through the wall. I've seen amorphous little balls of light bouncing all around in the front yard through the window. I've seen giant bugs on the floor. I was in a hotel room in Amarillo, Texas and all I remember is standing on the bed and seeing the whole wall in front of me filled with lights that were popping like popcorn out of the wall. Then I'll wake up and I go "Wow, I was standing on my bed and staring at this wall."
MIKE: Is it like those dreams where you dream that you've woken up but you haven't?
JEFF: Sort of.

Cool! We will hang. ...