hey -- SOOOO i just listened back to the tape of "Mr. X" the marine turned conscientious objector and i'm convinced he's for real.
i've figured how to transfer cassette to cd-r to mp3 then i'm ftp'ing it to my bro in portland who'll transcribe it for me -- yay bro! if folks want to read it i'll post at least parts of the transcript here.
last night the big rock show went well -- schneider tm were totally fun and amazing at their best they sounded like kraftwerk, a sloppy beach boys cover band, and my bloody valentine all playing together, wow. and they're funny as hell live, too. les savvy fav were pretty good live. i hung out with the schneider guy he was trashed but we bonded right quick over a buncha fanboy stuff, esp. talking about suicide and pan sonic. went to the other show to see spiral stiars solo but he was not going to go on until wayyyy later on so i bailed home.
things are heating up romance-wise: had a nice date with the artist girl and after our kiss good night she emailed later to say thanks for the kiss. my jury is still out however which i have to say is not the best sign. her art is really cool, though, and i like her a lot -- just still not sure. maybe i am so insane i only like girls who don't like me? this is of course not the first time i've wondered this...
i get home and there is an email from the record store girl then a phone call from the mum cellist who's been outta the picture for a month or so... she's doing a show monday night i'll def. go.
hating work today -- have to wake up in like 5-6 hours to go to a fucking stupid feel-good bullshit seminar thing about how we can all work better together -- start by not telling me i have to be there at goddamn 8 in the morning!!! so i'm sorry i don't have time to visit journals now...
i've figured how to transfer cassette to cd-r to mp3 then i'm ftp'ing it to my bro in portland who'll transcribe it for me -- yay bro! if folks want to read it i'll post at least parts of the transcript here.
last night the big rock show went well -- schneider tm were totally fun and amazing at their best they sounded like kraftwerk, a sloppy beach boys cover band, and my bloody valentine all playing together, wow. and they're funny as hell live, too. les savvy fav were pretty good live. i hung out with the schneider guy he was trashed but we bonded right quick over a buncha fanboy stuff, esp. talking about suicide and pan sonic. went to the other show to see spiral stiars solo but he was not going to go on until wayyyy later on so i bailed home.
things are heating up romance-wise: had a nice date with the artist girl and after our kiss good night she emailed later to say thanks for the kiss. my jury is still out however which i have to say is not the best sign. her art is really cool, though, and i like her a lot -- just still not sure. maybe i am so insane i only like girls who don't like me? this is of course not the first time i've wondered this...
i get home and there is an email from the record store girl then a phone call from the mum cellist who's been outta the picture for a month or so... she's doing a show monday night i'll def. go.
hating work today -- have to wake up in like 5-6 hours to go to a fucking stupid feel-good bullshit seminar thing about how we can all work better together -- start by not telling me i have to be there at goddamn 8 in the morning!!! so i'm sorry i don't have time to visit journals now...
rock shows every night
a cute & smart girl around every corner
mysterious Woodward & Bernstein type
journalistic endeavors a-brewin'
you're the shit, man!
I have a blind date tonght!! Wishing some of your suaveness is heading my way....