back from work. i need to get to sleep, but i am not tired at all. i have to be back at work at 7pm tonight. and then work til 7 in the morning. it's going to be a long week. i've got next weekend off, so i'm going to have to make some cool plans.
beginning with mailing
boojiboy a big, fat check.
i took my brother out to this buffet restaurant the other day. they have the worst food ever, but he loves the place. it has mostly chinese food, but also serves crap like jello, bagel bites, french fries, potato skins with fake gas station cheese on them and cheesburgers cut in half. the set up of this place is so tacky. everytime i eat there, i regret bringing a video camera. if i ever made a movie, i would film a scene at this place.
beginning with mailing

i took my brother out to this buffet restaurant the other day. they have the worst food ever, but he loves the place. it has mostly chinese food, but also serves crap like jello, bagel bites, french fries, potato skins with fake gas station cheese on them and cheesburgers cut in half. the set up of this place is so tacky. everytime i eat there, i regret bringing a video camera. if i ever made a movie, i would film a scene at this place.
well fuk, i'd stalk ya too but boojis da best plus it's a long walk just to hide in ur bushes ....