Well, I haven't been able to get on SG for a while due to various issues, but here I am. So much going on, most of which I'll keep to myself haha. I will say that I'm sort of re-dedicating myself to myself. For the past year I've been eating right (by and large) and I've lost a TON of weight. Now I'm following that up with working out to put on some lean muscle. I'm not weak or in THAT bad of shape (or so I tell myself) but it will be nice to have it show more hehe. Also, I'm going to be putting in a LOT more time on my illustration career. My immediate goals are to enter a couple of online art competitions, mainly due to the fact that they are structured, have deadlines and a focused theme, so they will help drive me a bit. After that, it's all about building a brand new portfolio, all updated work. I'll probably start shopping my work around again after a few new pieces, but I want to be able to replace everything that's in my portfolio currently within a year or so. That's a lot of new work, but it's the only way to take this seriously.
I love it when other people have self interested goals, too. Being dedicated to yourself is an awesome thing. I need to get back to that.