Just back from Maine and Tgiving day. I had to stay an extra day due to the weather. Work is probably upset, but I can't say that I am hehe.
Now for a little family history so I can explain my current situation. My mom and my dad split when I was very young, so I never saw my dad much, or got to know his side of the family. I think my dad would have liked to have been around more, but it wasn't to be. It's not like I never knew him tho. I got to see him from time to time, I invited him to my college graduation (which he was able to make despite both short notice and considerable distance). He's made it known in the past that he was interested in knowing me better, and last spring he had a "close call" healthwise which spurred a visit to me, and then me visiting him.
Anyways, during that visit last spring he showed me the family land, which his father had bought long ago. We're talking like 130 acres of land in Maine, some of which is cleared and has housing, and most of which is pretty much prestine Maine forest. Upon granddads death it was split in tow and half given to my dad, and half to his sister. Dad since sold most of his half to his sister under the stipulation that if he ever wanted it back, he'd get it at the same low price dad sold it for. Now his sister owns most of that land, BUT in granddads will he clearly stated that the land could not to be sold outside of the family, and it was to pass down to the grandkids (of which I am one).
Ok, now all of that backstory is in place, we come to this past Thanksgiving when I find out my aunt has drawn up paperwork trying to disable the part of grandad's will that said it couldn't be sold. In order for her to do this, all of the grandkids have to sign that it is ok with them for this to take place. Her kids have signed it. Obviously, they get the land anyways upon her death so no biggy for them to sign over thier rights on this. My brother wants to sign away his rights on it, as he really doesn't want anything to do with that family. I'm unsure what I want to do.
On the one hand, I don't own any of that land, so it really has nothing to do with me one way or the other. I will likely not ever see any of that land unless I tell my dad that I want to live on part of it (which I do not at this time want to do, I live in Ct not Maine). Even if I told dad I DID want a piece of the land, the best I'd get I expect is the same cheap rate he sold the land to his sister for.
So why does it bother me if I don't own the land, and likely never would? Well, because I never got much from my dad's side of the family, and I'll admit life has been tough because of it. Mom was a single parent of 3 kids, never made much money, and anything I've achieved in life so far has been done on my own. I'm swamped in student loans because I never had a family capable of helping me out. I can't even dream of owning my own home yet or naytime soon. Basicly, I never got a "leg up" in life like many do, but I can't say I'm bitter. I do ok on my own, and I've earned it and have my scars to show for it. However, now I'm being asked in legal paperwork to give up what little "claim" to the family there is. I never knew my granddad, but I carry his name, like my father does (we are all Joseph Glenwood Wilson, with me being the Third). I never knew him, but it wasn't my choice, and it looks to me like granddad WANTED the land to stay in the family, and not be sold. So, as the last hold out do I sign over rights that actually do me little good anyways, hoping that my dad looks out for me in his will one day? Do I NOT sign as a matter of principal for a grandfathers wishes, even though I never knew him? Or do I just give it over saying "well, I never even knew about any land until 6 months ago, why should I care now?"
Now for a little family history so I can explain my current situation. My mom and my dad split when I was very young, so I never saw my dad much, or got to know his side of the family. I think my dad would have liked to have been around more, but it wasn't to be. It's not like I never knew him tho. I got to see him from time to time, I invited him to my college graduation (which he was able to make despite both short notice and considerable distance). He's made it known in the past that he was interested in knowing me better, and last spring he had a "close call" healthwise which spurred a visit to me, and then me visiting him.
Anyways, during that visit last spring he showed me the family land, which his father had bought long ago. We're talking like 130 acres of land in Maine, some of which is cleared and has housing, and most of which is pretty much prestine Maine forest. Upon granddads death it was split in tow and half given to my dad, and half to his sister. Dad since sold most of his half to his sister under the stipulation that if he ever wanted it back, he'd get it at the same low price dad sold it for. Now his sister owns most of that land, BUT in granddads will he clearly stated that the land could not to be sold outside of the family, and it was to pass down to the grandkids (of which I am one).
Ok, now all of that backstory is in place, we come to this past Thanksgiving when I find out my aunt has drawn up paperwork trying to disable the part of grandad's will that said it couldn't be sold. In order for her to do this, all of the grandkids have to sign that it is ok with them for this to take place. Her kids have signed it. Obviously, they get the land anyways upon her death so no biggy for them to sign over thier rights on this. My brother wants to sign away his rights on it, as he really doesn't want anything to do with that family. I'm unsure what I want to do.
On the one hand, I don't own any of that land, so it really has nothing to do with me one way or the other. I will likely not ever see any of that land unless I tell my dad that I want to live on part of it (which I do not at this time want to do, I live in Ct not Maine). Even if I told dad I DID want a piece of the land, the best I'd get I expect is the same cheap rate he sold the land to his sister for.
So why does it bother me if I don't own the land, and likely never would? Well, because I never got much from my dad's side of the family, and I'll admit life has been tough because of it. Mom was a single parent of 3 kids, never made much money, and anything I've achieved in life so far has been done on my own. I'm swamped in student loans because I never had a family capable of helping me out. I can't even dream of owning my own home yet or naytime soon. Basicly, I never got a "leg up" in life like many do, but I can't say I'm bitter. I do ok on my own, and I've earned it and have my scars to show for it. However, now I'm being asked in legal paperwork to give up what little "claim" to the family there is. I never knew my granddad, but I carry his name, like my father does (we are all Joseph Glenwood Wilson, with me being the Third). I never knew him, but it wasn't my choice, and it looks to me like granddad WANTED the land to stay in the family, and not be sold. So, as the last hold out do I sign over rights that actually do me little good anyways, hoping that my dad looks out for me in his will one day? Do I NOT sign as a matter of principal for a grandfathers wishes, even though I never knew him? Or do I just give it over saying "well, I never even knew about any land until 6 months ago, why should I care now?"